Join the City of Virginia Beach for a month-long celebration of coastal wildlife and nature culminating January 28-31! They’re going the distance this year and presenting virtual and in-person components to ensure a safe, yet engaging experience for all.
Step Pool Conveyance System photo from Green Spring Extension Master Gardeners
The 17th Annual EcoSavvy Symposium Saturday, February 20, 2021 9:30am – 12:30 pm Cost: $26 in-county/$28 out-of-county Registration (703) 642-5173 or online at Code ITG.QARB
Learn innovative techniques to capture, store and collect rainwater. Presented by VCE Green Spring Master Gardeners. Speakers are Dr. Laurie Fox, Horticulture Associate, Virginia Tech, Hampton Roads Agriculture Research & Extension Center and Christine Horner, Water Quality Engineer, Town of Vienna. Also, a presentation on Virginia Conservation Assistance Program by Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District. Quinn Quinn2020-12-10 11:11:292020-12-10 11:13:03Integrating Storm Water Management in Landscape Design, February 20th
Monday, December 14, 2020 7 – 8:30 pm Request Zoom link by emailing [email protected]
Rachel Griesmer will talk about spotted lanternfly, an invasive planthopper new to Virginia. Rachel is an urban forester with Fairfax County Forest Pest Management Branch. She earned a Bachelor of Science in environmental biology and botany from Michigan State University and a Master of Science in forest ecology and management from Michigan Technological University. She holds certifications from the International Society of Arboriculture as a Certified Arborist as wells as a Qualified Tree Risk Assessor and has participated in suppression programs for invasive insects.
The meeting will also include the graduation of our Spring 2020 Basic Training class and an election for some key board positions. Quinn Quinn2020-12-09 15:01:102020-12-09 15:01:11FMN Annual Chapter Meeting includes Lanternfly Training, December 14th
The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual seedling sale makes low-cost bare-root native shrub and tree seedlings available to Northern Virginia residents. Seedling packages go on sale in February and are available for pickup in April. Trees and shrubs help cleanse water, prevent soil erosion, provide habitat, cool our climate and clean our air. Consider adding native trees and shrubs to your community today!
This year’s seedling sale features small shrubs and trees that are not only curated to be hardy in smaller spaces, but to also serve as valuable food sources for wildlife! They help clean our water and air, prevent soil erosion, provide valuable habitat, sequester carbon, and add beauty to your landscape.
Order starting Tuesday, February 2, 2021. See the link in the flyer below. Pick up by Friday, April 16 or Saturday, April 17, 2021.
In addition, the Virginia Department of Forestry needs help in counting all of the trees and shrubs planted through this sale, as well as other trees planted over the next four years. Every tree makes a different in protecting and improving water quality. Residents may add their planted trees to the My Tree Counts app: On this app, residents can report their tree and shrub plantings made since October 1, 2020, read about other tree planting projects in Virginia, and learn why trees are so good at protecting water quality. Quinn Quinn2020-12-09 14:14:442021-01-05 12:19:25NVSWCD 2021 Annual Native Seedling Sale, ordering opens February 2nd
Decarbonizing the US economy will require substantial investment in research, development, and deployment of technologies that have not yet entered the marketplace at large scale. There is bipartisan support for federal policy to support such clean energy innovation—particularly under the auspices of the American Energy Innovation Act, a multi-billion-dollar piece of legislation currently under consideration in the US Senate. (A companion bill, the Clean Energy and Jobs Innovation Act, was passed by the US House of Representatives in September 2020.)
Join Resources for the Future (RFF) at this important moment for innovation policy as they host a conversation, “American Energy Innovation: The Federal Policy Landscape.” Their distinguished set of panelists—including one of the lead architects of the American Energy Innovation Act—will discuss what parts of the innovation ecosystem policy can most readily support; how past innovation policies in the United States have fared, both in the energy sector and elsewhere; how the private sector takes signals from policies; and how the discussion around energy innovation policy has unfolded on Capitol Hill over the past year.
Colin Cunliff, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Spencer Nelson, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Richard G. Newell, Resources for the Future
Kristin Hayes, Resources for the Future (moderator)
Additional speakers to be announced.
About the Advanced Energy Technologies Project
RFF’s Advanced Energy Technologies Project uses new research to incorporate a number of these advanced technologies into our E4ST power sector model, which offers a detailed representation of the grid and is widely used in policy analysis related to power sector decarbonization.
The related events series covers topics such as carbon capture and sequestration, advanced nuclear energy, enhanced geothermal systems, energy storage, and direct air capture. The series will conclude with an additional event showcasing the results of RFF’s analysis of how various policy proposals will drive investment in and deployment of these technologies. 00:44:582020-12-22 01:03:27American Energy Innovation: The Federal Policy Landscape
I am almost certain that most of the FMN newsletter readers have seen or heard of the phenomenon described in this article, commonly called rainbow pools. However, since I recently had my first opportunity, unplanned as it was, to photograph them at Huntley Meadows Park I thought I would share my good fortune. I was returning to the nature center following an afternoon of trail monitoring when conditions came together and gifted me with a fleeting glimpse of this colorful phenomenon. I say fleeting because several conditions need to be met to see the rainbow effect: A. decomposed organic surface slime, B. still waters, and C. just the right angle of sun light. And they were all in convergence as I unsuspectingly walked by; and alas, the effect dissolved in ten minutes as condition C degraded.
They are called rainbow pools because the surface coating on the pools resemble oily layers of red, blue, pink, yellow, purple, and colors that may not have a name. The coating is iridescent too like an oil slick but it disperses when disturbed unlike an oil slick, so disturbing the slick is a good way to test between the two.
HMP Rainbow Pool – photo Jerry Nissley
These rainbow pools are not a sign of pollution but are instead a natural occurrence in most wetlands. Given a combination of very still waters, a few days without rain or wind to disturb surface tension, and the correct angle of light, nature may provide you with a truly colorful experience. I have seen photos that show much more vibrant colors then in the ones I took. My personal observation is that the darker the water (more tannin) the higher the reflective value of the surface material. In addition, these pools sit among hardwood trees so less oil is exuded in the decomposition process of leaf litter when compared to pine or cypress forests. The pools in this section of the park tend to be temporal and, therefore, are less stained with leached tannins and oils creating a more pastel pallet.
HMP Rainbow Pool – photo Jerry Nissley
Most often the sheen forms as a result of decaying vegetation, especially from plant materials that exude natural oils, such as pine cones and needles. Another cause can be anaerobic bacteria breaking down iron in the soil. Once the cells begin to decay, they release a reddish slime material, which floats to the surface. Iron bacteria are of no threat to human health. They are found naturally in soils and water in low numbers and will thrive as more iron becomes available. Yet another example of how wetlands are ecologically important systems due to their high plant productivity and their capacity to recycle nutrients. Bacteria in wetland soils break down organic and inorganic structures.
The rainbow effect is typically seen during cooler months and as the sun approaches the lower degrees of an acute angle such as in the morning or as the sun is setting, providing the appropriate reflective angle. The pools pictured in this article are located in the back still waters off the wooded section of Cedar trail at HMP, not in areas near the creeks or other moving water. These photos were taken on 3 December around 3:30 p.m. as I finished an afternoon of trail monitoring. Other pools can be found in other sections of the park.
So you want to chase a rainbow? Try running down a rainbow pool at Huntley Meadows. But running on the boardwalk is not permitted … those trail monitors will get cha. Nissley Nissley2020-12-07 14:59:382020-12-07 14:59:38Rainbow Pools of Huntley Meadows Park
The Ellen Macarthur Foundation is sponsoring a free, self-paced class on the circular economy, which they describe thus:
“A circular economy is a systemic approach to economic development designed to benefit businesses, society, and the environment. In contrast to the “take-make-waste” linear model, a circular economy is regenerative by design and aims to gradually decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources. After defining what an economy actually is, this learning path explores the nuances of the concept of a circular economy with text, videos, and interactive and reflective exercises. It probes the difference between biological and technical materials, the different opportunities that exist to keep materials and products in use, and the history of the idea.”
Super interesting material and great user interface–they both make a compelling case and make it easy to engage with the content. By the time you complete the reading, videos, and exercises, the benefits of shifting from a linear to a circular economy will be clear as will how they apply to all of the work we do as naturalists.
This opportunity is approved for CE credit for FMN members.
Check back regularly for links to additional resources from which you can learn more and, maybe, will want to review for us here. This subject is amazingly rich. Please share your thoughts and resources in comments and we’ll add them to this repo.
Hope Jahren: The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where We Go From Here. Honestly, the entire book is quotable, but here are some take-aways from one early Sunday morning: “An effort tempered by humility will go much further than one armored with righteousness…. We [scientists] are watching and working, not just worrying. Climate science is part of science after all…. Having hope requires courage. It matters how we talk about this. Everything we do matters.” (Consider starting with Appendix 1: The Action You Take, and then go dig into the data in the rest of the book.) By the way, she reads the audio book herself, and she’s a kind teacher.
Joel Onorato:Stop Going Round in Circles About the Circular Economy; also see his awesome presentation to the Sierra Club as pdf or live (along with the materials of the other panelists). “Keeping materials in use means preserving the maximum value of each thing that has been produced for the longest time possible. Reuse it as long as you can (give it to another user or share it). Repair it if you can’t reuse it as is. Or, if it has too little value, then remanufacture it (turn it back into something with an as-new condition). At worst, break it down and recycle each material (or compost it) for another future use.”
Rare’s Inspiring Human Nature: Tim Ma, Chef and Garbage Picker. “Tim Ma embraces his garbage. The famed Washington, DC-area chef and restaurateur is notorious for turning food trash into dinner treasure—which he does both for environmental sustainability and his bottom-line. ‘I don’t know how I became DC’s food waste champion,’ he laughs. ‘But I love talking about it.’” Meet someone who walks his talk.
Jonathan Safran Foer:We are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast. The term circular economy never appears in this book because it’s about particular decisions we make and “our all-too-human reluctance to sacrifice immediate comfort for the sake of the future. We have, he reveals, turned our planet into a farm for growing animal products, and the consequences are catastrophic. Only collective action will save our home. And it all starts with what we eat—and don’t eat—for breakfast.” Please don’t let that stop you from considering his case and drawing your own insights. He wields data as effectively as Hope Jahren, and he tells a story just as compelling. 14:53:262020-12-30 22:52:52Learning Path: The Circular Economy in Detail
It wasn’t the best weather for an outdoor event. Reports had predicted storms. Though the rain had passed through the area over night it was still blustery and overcast. Even with the sun trying desperately to peek through the clouds, occasionally succeeding, a chill remained in the air. The owls didn’t mind. The barred owl even panted a bit after flapping wildly on the handler’s arm, posturing for its admirers. A testament to how well dense feathers insulate an owl against the offerings of winter.
Huntley Meadows Park (HMP) hosted an owl program presented by ‘Secret Garden Birds and Bees (SGBB)’ on 5 Dec 2020. This organization of wildlife rehabilitators, falconers, beekeepers, and naturalists is dedicated to sharing their love of nature through informative and entertaining educational programs, events and activities. This day at HMP the team of Liz Dennison (VMN Banshee Reeks – Loudon) and Tim Dennison showcased 4 owls (Great Horned, Screech, Barn, and Barred) along with Big Red, a red-tailed hawk. As an organization they offer additional programs on general raptor habitat and identification, falconry, seasonal specific raptor behavior, as well as beekeeping and gardening. You may have had the pleasure of seeing them at events around the tri-sate area including Friend’s of Mason Neck’s Eagle Festival and Owl Moon Program. The birds have each been rehabilitated from injury (i.e. being hit by cars) but residual effects from their injuries (i.e. damaged eye sight, beak deformation) precludes safe release back into the wild. They are cared for on SGBB property in Loudon County along with bees and gardens.
SGBB Great Horned Owl – photo Jerry Nissley
SGBB Screech Owl – photo Jerry Nissley
The HMP program was offered through Fairfax County ParkTakes on-line registration system and was fully attended in compliance with current Virginia state limitations. The families in attendance were kept actively engaged and asked many questions about the bird’s behavior, characteristics, and habitat; and were treated to, how should I say, ‘spontaneous natural owl functions’ much to the joy of a couple of nine year old boys in the front row. Father said, “well son you got your wish”! The other function was the regurgitation of an owl pellet, which contained bone fragments from its last meal. Hey – people literally cheer for this bonus material folks!
SGBB Barn Owl – photo Jerry Nissley
SGBB Barred Owl – photo Jerry Nissley
To complement the spontaneous material the scripted information covered a description of each bird, how it nests, seasonal diets, how loss of habitat affects populations, the harmful impact to raptors that eat rodents that have ingested rodenticides, and preservation tactics such as owl box programs. Learning about how owls contribute to the environment and how they survive throughout the year builds a meaningful understanding of these magnificent birds of prey. The following Baba Dioum quote is on their website, “In the end we will only conserve what we love. We love only what we understand. We understand only what we are taught.” I say – we can never be taught too much! We just need to listen. This program was an excellent fun learning experience for all ages.
Contact information for Secret Garden Birds and Bees along with additional resources: Nissley Nissley2020-12-06 14:35:252020-12-06 14:35:26Who’s Whooo Program at Huntley Meadows Park
For anyone who enjoys watching birds at a feeder, there is another pastime available that is just as entertaining but less well known: watching the dragonflies and damselflies patrolling your yard. There are over eighty species in Northern Virginia, a few of which are happy to frequent our gardens if we offer the right conditions. Some are hefty and like to land on walkways, making them hard to miss. Others, including most damselflies, are so wispy as to escape our notice if we aren’t paying attention.
Most dragonflies lay their eggs in fresh water ponds and streams, where they hatch and live as little aquatic predators for years before emerging as adults. We can provide a breeding area in our yards by installing a pond, which need not be large and can be a do-it-yourself project. Frogs and salamanders will make it their home as well, and the sound and sight of moving water transforms any garden into a place to sit and watch the whole carnival.
All these pond inhabitants require more than just water. Dead leaves and algae are the basis for a pond’s ecosystem, as the tiny organisms that use them for shelter and food are themselves eaten by larger ones. It is therefore important to treat a pond not as a chlorinated fountain but as a living thing, avoiding excess cleaning and protecting it from insecticides or other chemicals.
Once dragonflies become adults, they spend their time catching large numbers of mosquitoes and other insects and looking for opportunities to mate. The males will find a perch near the water and guard against rivals, waiting for a female to approach. If you are lucky, you may see a female ovipositing, bouncing up and down as she dips the tip of her abdomen into the water to lay her eggs.
Even without a pond, your yard is likely to be visited by dragonflies if it is providing other natural habitat, because that is where there will be a balance of prey and predatory insects. Besides avoiding chemicals, the key to building that kind of habitat is to plant a lot of native species, because most plant-eating insects can only eat the plants with which they evolved. There are hundreds of species of garden-worthy native plants available, including a couple dozen species of native pond plants.
Here is a three minute video about the ups and downs of owning a fancy ornamental pond. The gardener who made that video has since learned that disruptions to the pond critters can be minimized by only cleaning the pond once a year in mid winter, and by leaving most of the algae and leaves in place. Information about native pond plants and how to care for a pond as habitat can be found on the pond page of the Plant NOVA Natives website. It is very fun to learn to recognize the various species. A great resource for that is Bob Blakney’s book Northern Virginia Dragonflies and Damselflies. Quinn Quinn2020-12-05 18:26:562020-12-05 18:26:57Bringing Dragonflies to Your Yard
Though I didn’t know much about them, I looked forward to seeing them each summer, emerging at dusk to dive and swoop in the sky chasing insects. They’ve always seemed mysterious but never frightening.
As the years passed, I saw fewer and fewer of them each summer in my Springfield, Virginia neighborhood. It was comforting to still see their aerial acrobatics at the barn where I kept my horse, but numbers were dropping there too.
When my Virginia Master Naturalists, Fairfax Chapter (FMN) chapter advertised a World Habitat Council webinar about bats, co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, I registered immediately. “From Tequila to Pest Control: Learn all the Ways Bats are Vital to Ecosystems and Economies”, opened the door to a fascinating new world of all kinds of bats and why we need them. I learned that: “Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night – they are pollinators, dispersers of seeds and controllers of insect pests”. FMN members were also urged to participate in “Bat Week 2020 (October 24-31)”, an international celebration to raise awareness about the need for bat conservation.
A sample of Elaine’s work
Another Virginia Master Naturalists webinar, “Get Batty,” helped me focus the educational material to Virginia native bats. Dr. Mark Ford, associate professor of wildlife conservation, Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment, taught us about “… the threats facing some Virginia bat communities due to invasive fungal disease, wind-energy expansion, and urbanization.” We learned how Virginia Tech researchers “…have been working to better define bat distribution, current status, and habitat associations/needs within and around the commonwealth.”
When Dr. Ford said that Little Brown Bat populations had plummeted by 90% due to White Nose Syndrome, and many bat species were endangered, the sadness I felt quickly grew into a sense of urgency. I began brainstorming ways to educate our community about the bats found in Virginia and especially in Fairfax County.
Bat programs offered through Fairfax County parks are very popular and they fill quickly. Our Fairfax County Park Authority naturalists deserve lots of praise for offering these valuable community programs.
Given COVID restrictions and time restraints, I decided to use The NOVA Nature Journal Club (NNJC) on Facebook, a group I administer, as my education platform. The NNJC is inspired by the teachings of Artist, Naturalist John Muir Laws and his philosophy of “Nature Stewardship through Science, Education and Art,” ( Mr. Laws has been very supportive of our group’s creation and ongoing programs.
A sample of Deirdre’s work
Dr. Ford was very helpful and put together a list for me of 16 bats that reside in or migrate through Virginia. “Bats of Fairfax County,” which lists seven common bat species on the county’s website, Virginia’s Department of Wildlife Resources’ “Guide to Bats of Virginia” and Bat Conservation International became my go to sources for creating a brief biography of each species of bat.
A request to use photos from the “The Save Lucy Campaign,” a local nonprofit committed to saving bats, quickly became a collaboration thanks to Leslie Sturges, Save Lucy’s President, who offered to work with our group on the week-long education effort. She taught us so much about our local bats, offered photos, video clips, her personal stories about rehabilitating bats, and shared our journal pages on “Save Lucy’s” website and Facebook page.
With so much encouragement and valuable information, the “Bat Week 2020” virtual education program through nature journaling kicked off on Oct 24 and continued through Oct 31. A different bat was featured each of the eight days with photos, specific information about its conservation status; migratory, roosting and hibernation habits, physical attributes for ID, mating patterns, fun facts and more.
Our group had fun and learned a lot about bats that week. We were even able to feature a “How to Draw a Bat” video lesson by John Muir Laws. We all shared the posts with other Facebook groups and friends. One of our members, Deirdre Pistochini, an award winning artist, took nature journaling to a whole new level. She produced a series of 9 beautifully illustrated journal pages about Virginia’s bats that was featured by The Save Lucy Campaign as an online flip book during Bat Week.
The “Bat Week” journal pages are still featured on the “Save Lucy” website. Go to the Education Link and Scroll down to “Things to do” to view them.
I am so grateful to FMN for sharing excellent programs about bats with our members and everyone’s support in helping me put this educational program together.
Leslie Sturges and I are already considering future collaborations when COVID restrictions are lifted and it’s safe to hold in-person educational programs with live bats. Quinn Quinn2020-12-05 18:14:412020-12-05 19:52:49Educating about “Bat Week 2020” through Nature Journaling