Blue Ridge PRISM Summer Meeting: “These Are Not Your Grandpa’s Quail”, July 19th

Photo Courtesy of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Wednesday, July 19, 2023
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
via Zoom


The northern bobwhite aka bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) is the only quail native to eastern North America. Its clear, whistled call was once a common sound throughout its range. You hear its call much less often now because of a steep decline in the bobwhite quail population, mostly due to habitat loss. For its Summer Meeting, Blue Ridge PRISM will welcome Marc Puckett, a certified wildlife biologist and the Small Game Project Leader for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. He will discuss the bobwhite quail and how to manage its habitat in multiple scenarios so that these birds can thrive.

This is a free online event and includes a question & answer period with the audience. Those who register will receive access to the recording.

This event is put on by the Blue Ridge PRISM. Please direct any questions to them.