Entries by Janet Quinn

The Search for Lost Birds, webinar February 25th

Thursday, February 25, 20214:00pm ESTZoom link provided upon registration For 75 years, the Blue-eyed Ground-Dove was known only from scattered records and old illustrations. In 2016, researchers in Brazil observed the ground-dove for the first time in decades, launching an international partner effort to save the Critically Endangered species. Like the Blue-eyed Ground-Dove, over a […]

Action Alert: Scrub your Bird Feeders!

Pine Siskin photo by William Kurt; text by Jessica Bigger Recently, there have been several local reports of birders finding sick and dead Pine Siskins. The likely culprit is a bacterium called Salmonellosis, which is fatal to many feeder birds. Pine Siskins, American Goldfinches, and Common Redpolls appear to be exceptionally vulnerable to the disease. Salmonellosis is usually […]

Native Grasses for our Yards

Photo and article courtesy of Plant NOVA Natives When we think of grass in our yards, the image that arises is likely to be that of turf grass. But there are many other places for grasses in our landscapes, and many other species available besides the European turf grass that is used for lawn. Grasses […]

Two-Part Evening Webinar: Things You “Otter” Know, February 16th

River otter, courtesy of SERC Tuesday, February 16, 20216-8 pmSpeaker: Karen McDonald, SERC education specialistSign up online to watch live or on demand Brought to you by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), you can learn about river otters in the Chesapeake Bay, in a two-part event for kids and adults! Once you sign up, you’ll be […]

Mow Less, Grow More webinar, March 7th

Photo by Eliza Diamond on Unsplash Sunday, March 7, 20212 – 3:30 pmRegister here. The Friends of Mason Neck State Park will host a special program, “Mow Less, Grow More.” Their speaker will be Tami Sheiffer, the coordinator of Fairfax County Park Authority’s “Watch the Green Grow” education and outreach initiative. Learn how you can […]