Entries by Janet Quinn

Volunteers as Chesapeake Stewards (VoiCes) virtual course, October 6-November 17th

Tuesday Evenings*October 6–November 17, 20207–8:30 pmZoom links will be sent ahead of each class*except Tuesday, November 3 Register here. Join Chesapeake Bay Foundation and advocates from across Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania for their first ever virtual Volunteers as Chesapeake Stewards (VoiCes) course. In the weekly class, you’ll hear from speakers about topics ranging from the […]

A New Take on “Curb Appeal”

Article by Margaret Fisher, Photo by Plant NOVA Natives A strip of lawn is the default landscaping choice for the area right next to a street. But is that the only option? Not necessarily, as gardeners are discovering. In many situations, boring lawn can be replaced with pizzazz. Lawn has its advantages and disadvantages next […]

Author Event: The Bird Way with Jennifer Ackerman, webinar October 15th

Thursday, October 15, 20207 – 8:30 pmVirtual!Fee: $10 ASNV members, $15 non-membersRegister for the lecture here. Join Audubon Society of Northern Virginia as they welcome author Jennifer Ackerman to discuss the much anticipated follow up to The Genius of Birds. NPR’s “SCIENCE FRIDAY” picks The Bird Way as one of “The Best Summer Science Books […]

Ecological Landscaping with Charles Smith, September 24th and October 1st

Curleyheads photo by Rusty Moran Virtual, register hereThursdays, 24 September and 1 October 2020$25 fee Are you ready to put the Audubon at Home principles to action? Then this workshop is for you! In this 2-session workshop, participants will learn to apply ecological principles to creating backyard habitats and restoring ecosystems. Focus will be on looking not […]

Invasive Management/Habitat Restoration at Lake Accotink Park

Lake Accotink Park7500 Accotink Park Rd., Springfield VASaturdays in September 20208 – 10 am The Lake Accotink Park Invasive Management group, which has made tremendous gains against non-native invasive plants at a location at Lake Accotink Park, started having invasive management work days again. They would love to have you join them whether you’re experienced […]

Social Science Perspectives on Ethno-racial Diversity in Wildlife Viewing and Conservation webinar recording

A closed-captioned recording of the webinar is now available online, in case you missed it, want to watch again, or would like to share it with others. You can find the webinar here: https://video.vt.edu/media/0_4ng4izoa. In this webinar, Jonathan Rutter (Virginia Tech) shares some insights from the social sciences on ethno-racial diversity in wildlife viewing and […]