Help FODM remove invasive plants, July 8th & 22nd

Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve
Haul Road Trail
Mondays, 8 July and 22 July 2019
9 am

Friends of Dyke Marsh must remove plants like mile-a-minute, Japanese stiltgrass and garlic mustard so that these invasives do not outcompete the more than 3,500 plants FODM put in in 2018. They will help you identify the target plants (no more than 5) and show you what to do. Volunteer whatever time you can and if the heat becomes unbearable, we can stop.

Please let them know if you can help. They will have some gloves and tools, but it would be helpful if you could bring your own gloves, clippers and loppers. Bring water, wear sturdy shoes, long sleeves and pants and sun protection. You might want to bring insect repellent. Meet at the native plant site along the Haul Road trail just past the second bench on the west side of the trail.
Please RSVP to [email protected].

Shortleaf pine Crop Tree Release, June 29th



Conway Robinson State Forest, Gainesville, VA
Meet at the parking area on N side of US-29 at the intersection of University Blvd and US-29
Saturday, 29 June 2019
7:30-11 am

The planted shortleaf pines at Conway Robinson State Forest, though a native to the area, is facing strong competition from the faster growing loblolly pine. Come out and help Department of Forestry release the shortleaf with hand tools. What is a Crop Tree Release (CTR), why would we do it, and how would we go about it? CTR is a pre-commercial (doesn’t make money) practice that targets a certain species or category of trees that are desirable, but are facing competition from their neighbors. The idea is to remove the competition in favor of the desired or target trees and allow said trees to grow freely. This removal is best done mechanically by cutting down or girdling the competing trees adjacent to the target tree. Contact: [email protected].

Sign up at:

Free “Designing for environmental sustainability and social impact” course starts July 9th

Develop entrepreneurial solutions that promote environmental conservation and address problems of poverty. This is a hands-on, project-based 6-week course that consists of weekly readings, videos, and workshops and is offered for FREE with the support of MAVA Foundation. You’ll explore different environmental challenges, identify areas of opportunity, and learn how to propose impactful solutions. You’ll have the opportunity to work with a team and learn from experts like Levi’s VP of Sustainability as well as the CEOs of the Nature Conservancy and Green for All.

By the end, you’ll have mastered a handful of collaborative and entrepreneurial approaches to help you promote both environmental sustainability and social impact – whether you’re a conservation specialist, a social entrepreneur, or a passionate change agent.
Ready to tackle an environmental challenge?

Thriving Earth Exchange introduces the Community Science Fellowship

Thriving Earth Exchange’s new Community Science Fellowship offers the chance to build your skills and make a difference as you facilitate a collaborative project to address critical community priorities. Shepherding a community science project from idea to impact, our volunteer Fellows hone the skills to manage diverse teams, work across disciplinary boundaries, and connect science to action.

Learn more about the Fellowship experience.

Apply to become a Fellow.

2019 Virginia Master Naturalist program awards nominations open, due Aug. 9th

VMN encourages you to send in nominations for:

  • Volunteer of the Year,
  • Project of the Year (with Education, Citizen Science, Stewardship, and Chapter Administration subcategories), and
  • Chapter Advisor of the Year.

Complete information on each category and what to include in the nomination is available at
Nominations are due August 9. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Volunteer opportunity: Wildlife program for children at Lorton Church

Photo by Barbara J. Saffir (c)

Victory Temple
7218 Lockport Place, Lorton, VA
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
6-6:45 pm OR 7-7:45 pm

If you love sharing nature with kids, this is for you!

This is a nature program for kids with the theme “In the Wild.”  Your choice – just insects or native insects, reptiles and amphibians.  Hidden Oaks Nature Center (7701 Royce St., Annandale, VA) provides materials, animals and (if desired) script. Project includes transport and set up of materials. Audience will be 30-40 children, grades K-6.

Riverbend fern walk, led by Kit Sheffield

Sunday, June 23
8:30-11:30 a.m.

On this hike in Riverbend Park, Kit will discuss the characteristics that differentiate ferns from other organisms and talk about what to look for when identifying ferns. The group will cover about two miles at a moderate pace on trails that are well maintained but may be muddy if there has been recent flooding. Expect to see and identify fifteen+ species along the way. Learn to identify Christmas fern, to distinguish between cinnamon fern and interrupted fern, what ferns to avoid in your garden, and why scouring rushes are now included in the ferns.

Kit Sheffield is the Membership and IT Coordinator for the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) and Vice President of the Fairfax Chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists (FMN). With a passion for pteridophytes, he leads fern hikes for PATC, FMN, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, and the Audubon Naturalist Society.

VNPS programs are free and open to the public.
However, you must register to attend. Please click here to REGISTER.
To CANCEL your registration or ask a QUESTION, please email [email protected]

Fairfax Food Council Presents: Indoor Gardening, July 16th

Daniels Run Peace Church
3729 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax, VA 22030
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
7 – 8:30 pm

Ryan Pirault, Founder of Livity Works LLC, will be sharing his techniques, knowledge and experience in this introductory class on “Whole House Permaculture.” Building a culture of permanent agriculture and sustainability is something all of us can participate in even if we live in a tiny cramped apartment. Take this class to learn about growing mushrooms, sprouts, and other healthy food inside your home or apartment. Click here to register.

Native Bees: Why they matter and how to support them, June 22nd

Brambleton Library
22850 Brambleton Plaza, Brambleton, VA
Saturday, 22 June 2019
12 – 2 pm

At this Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy sponsored event, you’ll learn about the many fascinating and bee-utiful native bees that live in our gardens and the plants that support them. You will get a close-up look at Mason and Leafcutter Bees, discuss some simple ways that you can attract native bees in your garden, and help them thrive. Hosted by the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, RSVP here.

2019 Fairfax County ESLI Environmental Education Conference, June 22nd

Fairfax County Government Center
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035
Saturday, 22 June 2019
9 am – 3 pm

Connect with high school and college students from around Virginia, DC and Maryland to learn about ways you can get involved with environmental education initiatives in your school and community. Learn effective environmental education games and teaching skills that you can use to teach kids in your community, and enjoy a free sustainable meal. This one-day conference will be held on June 22, 2019 and is located at the Fairfax County Government Center in Fairfax, VA. The event is free for students. Contact us at [email protected] or visit our website at to learn more, and click here to register.