AHS Blue Bird Trail – Building Team FMN

Washington’s River Farm, the headquarters of the American Horticulture Society (AHS) is renovating their Bluebird Trail and FMN is building a team to help.
The Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis, once as common as the robin, saw a drastic decline in population for many reasons including loss of habitat, pesticide use, snag removal, an influx of house cats and the introduction of the House Sparrow and the European Starling. The American Bluebird Society (ABS), started a conservation movement in 1978 to put up boxes and monitor the numbers and health of the bluebird population. Their successful program continues today.

One of several sad looking boxes to be replaced – photo Jerry Nissley

Fairfax Master Naturalists is putting together an ABS team to help install the bluebird boxes at River Farm and monitor the boxes between March and July. Training will be provided. If you are interested in any aspect of this project, please contact FMN Susan Farmer [email protected] with your availability and level of interest.  Volunteer for installation, or installation and monitoring, or monitoring only – whatever works for you. The Blue Bird boxes have arrived and will be installed on 13 Jan 2024. If you can help, please contact Susan Farmer.

AHS is a new FMN chapter partner located along the Potomac River. FMN has approved stewardship, educational, and citizen science project codes for this blue bird opportunity and many other volunteer opportunities to support AHS River Farm. S275, E275, and C275, respectively.