Entries by Janet Quinn

Urban Bats: Studying and Protecting our Wildlife Neighbors, October 26th

Photo by Rick Reynolds on www.dwr.virginia.gov Tuesday, October 26, 20217 pmZoomRegister here. When you think of urban wildlife, critters like rats, pigeons, and raccoons may come to mind – but what about bats? Bats have a scary reputation, but play an important role in ecosystems and face serious conservation threats. Dr. Ela-Sita Carpenter will discuss […]

Poplar Island: An Innovative Model of Habitat Creation through Reuse, October 19th

Photo courtesy of http://www.poplarislandrestoration.com/ Tuesday, October 19, 20217 pmZoomRegister here. Join Kristina Motley, Senior Environmental Specialist, to examine why the Poplar Island project is such a successful model of reuse. This environmental restoration project located in the Chesapeake Bay in Talbot County, Maryland, relies on dredged material collected from the approach channels to the Baltimore […]

Celebrate Fall Color!

Photo and article courtesy of Plant NOVA Natives As Northern Virginia continues to celebrate trees to mark the start of the five year regional native tree campaign, autumn colors move to center stage. We may not get New England’s sudden (and brief) burst of color from the dominance of sugar maples, but our region makes […]

A World of Bugs

Feature photo by J. Quinn Photos and article by FMN Steve Tzikas As kids, we all had a fascination with bugs. If we owned a microscope, inevitably a few bugs would be examined close-up. We would be fascinated by the insects at natural history museums, even as an adult. Some of us would decide to […]

How to Improve Your iNaturalist Photos to Better Help Scientists

Photo courtesy of Barbara J. Saffir By FMN C.E. Hike Coordinator Barbara J. Saffir(iNat username: DMVphotographer) WHY USE INATURALIST?  If you want to contribute to citizen-science while exploring outdoors, iNaturalist’s free, user-friendly app and website provides the best virtual toolbox. Your data will actually get used. Real humans are available to respond to problems. You […]

Nonpoint Source Pollution & Labeling Stormwater Drains, a Gold Award Project

Article by FMN & Gold Award Girl Scout Mackenzie NordaiPhotos courtesy of Mackenzie Nordai My Gold Award* aimed to address the issue of nonpoint source pollution’s effect on Pohick Creek Watershed which includes Hidden Pond Park in Springfield, Virginia. As the leader of the project, I led groups of volunteers through three communities adjacent to […]

Mysterious Nature and Lore with the Capital Naturalist, October 12th

Photo courtesy of ANS Tuesday, October 12, 20217 pmOnline session.Register here. Enjoy a night of mystery and intrigue with the Capital Naturalist Alonso Abugattas. During this talk, attendees will enjoy learning some of the lesser-known natural phenomena in our region and their influence on our culture. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to engage […]

Sustainable Landscaping Webinar, October 8th

Photos courtesy of PEC Friday, October 8, 202112 – 1:30 pmWebinarRegister here. Join Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) during your Friday lunch hour for this free, informative webinar, including three presentations by guest speakers Jim McGlone (Virginia Department of Forestry), Tim Ohlwiler (Virginia Cooperative Extension), and David Wood (Chesapeake Stormwater Network). Building a Garden Ecosystem – Jim […]