Entries by Jerry Nissley

River Farm Blue Bird Boxes and a Ha-Ha.

January 13, 2024 – FMN was able to kick-off the stewardship activity to replace and monitor the Blue Bird Boxes at River Farm. Susan Farmer is the FMN coordinator for service and citizen science activities at River Farm. When the American Horticultural Society (AHS) notified her that the donated boxes were in, she organized FMN […]

MVHS Science Fair – Judges Wanted

Our friends at Mount Vernon HS are asking for volunteers to judge their science fair. E152: Science Fair Judge at Fairfax County Science Fairs — FCPS Several FMN have supported them in past so their request was sent to previous judges but it is not limited to previous judges. Read on… “Good morning, My name […]

AHS Blue Bird Trail – Building Team FMN

Washington’s River Farm, the headquarters of the American Horticulture Society (AHS) is renovating their Bluebird Trail and FMN is building a team to help. The Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis, once as common as the robin, saw a drastic decline in population for many reasons including loss of habitat, pesticide use, snag removal, an influx of […]

Grasses for the Masses – PSA

The FMN stewardship code for Grasses for the Masses has been inactivated. Habitat Creation and Restoration – S015: Grasses for the Masses — Chesapeake Bay Foundation. This project is no longer sponsored by CBF and the code has been inactivated. However, DCR (Virginia State Parks) is a sponsoring organization for this program and Mason Neck is […]

Elly Doyle Awards – 2023

Fairfax County Park Authority and the Fairfax County Park Commission announced their 2023 Elly Doyle awards presented annually to deserving volunteers or organizations. For 2023, two FMN volunteers received “Outstanding Volunteer” Awards via parks they support. Jo Doumbia received an award via Hidden Oaks Nature Center (HONC) in Annandale and Celia Boertlein via Huntley Meadows […]

Vermiculture Part I – the Set-up

Vermiculture is the intentional cultivation of worms. In gardens and farms, worms are raised and used to break down organic materials as part of a composting process called vermicomposting. Vermicomposting is the natural aerobic (oxygen-required) process of the decomposition of organic matter into soil using worms. Worms breakdown organic material into bioavailable components. These components […]

Mast Years – Not Just for Pigs

Recently, while waiting for busses filled with 3rd graders to arrive for a school program at Huntley Meadows, the conversation of idle interpreters turned to the insane number of acorns we are finding and hearing in our yards this year. By hearing, I mean pelting like a hailstorm on our roofs, decks, cars, and metal […]

AHS – Projects and Partnerships

Article by FMN Susan Farmer Fairfax Master Naturalists  chapter is partnering with the American Horticultural Society (AHS) at their River Farm location in Fairfax County. River Farm is a beautiful 27-acre property located along the George Washington Parkway overlooking the Potomac River that has been AHS headquarters since 1973. The River Farm location is one […]