Photo: Fairfax County Park Authority

Hidden Oaks Habitat Management Work Day, November 9th

Saturday, November 9, 2024
9 am – 12 pm
Hidden Oaks Nature Center
7701 Royce St., Annandale VA

Help Hidden Oaks get rid of invasive plant species! After a brief introduction on how to identify specific plant species of concern, how to remove them, and why they’re doing this, participants will split up into groups and tackle designated areas of the park.  Bring work gloves and clippers if you have them, wear sturdy shoes, and dress for the weather. They’ll provide trash bags; restrooms available.

Canceled if inclement weather.  Contact Kristina Watts at [email protected] or 703-941-1065 to let her know you’re coming.

A Rewarding Day

National Public Lands Day at Mason Neck State Park (MNSP) was rewarding in more ways than one. The day saw a service commendation presented to our chapter president and the initial planting of a major pollinator garden.

Senator Pekarsky and FMN Sarah Mayhew –  photo FMN Rob Warren

Virginia State Senator Stella Pekarsky (36th district) presented Sarah Mayhew with a volunteer commendation (Senate Resolution number 161). Senator Pekarsky, a member of the Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources committee, presented Sarah with a conservation award recognizing her 20+ years of conservation service in Fairfax County.

Sarah has been the Virginia Master Naturalist – Fairfax Chapter president

FMN crew planting the garden – photo Rob Warren

since 2023 and championed our chapter project at MNSP. The project commits 5 years of service to restore and maintain two large pollinator gardens and the native plants surrounding the visitor’s center. For the Public Lands Day event, 23 FMN gathered to plant the ‘Forest Edge’ garden with native plants appropriate for that specific area. Of course, the pot-luck picnic prior to the work shift, coordinated by FMN Mike Walker, made for happy laborers. The chapter project maintenance phase will continue for the next 3 years. Volunteers can sign up for work days via the BI calendar.

FMN Stephanie Johnson – photo Rob Warren

FMN Stephanie Johnson (owner Green Steeze Landscaping) and landscape architect, designed the garden with Jim McGlone, purchased all the native plants with funds from Friends of Mason Neck State Park, and volunteered many of her own hours along with some of her crew’s hours to help plant it. A very generous contribution of time and resources. Thank you Steph! You’re the best!

– Thanks to Jamie Leeuwrik, Chief Ranger for Visitor Experience at MNSP and a Fairfax Chapter co-advisor, for supporting the chapter project.

FMN Mike Walker – kudos for coordinating and setting up the picnic.

Jim McGlone’s significant contributions to the project.

The Friends of Mason Neck State Park for a wonderful project partnership and major contributions of time and resources.
FMN Rob Warren for photos of the day.

Winter Sparrow Identification *VIRTUAL*, November 14th

Image: Courtesy The Clifton Institute, Winter Sparrow Workshop

Thursday, November 14, 2024
6:00 – 7:00 PM

This is a virtual event

ASNV Members-$10.00 (Non-members $15.00)

Click here for registration details.

A Clifton Institue Presentation

Get ready for winter by brushing up on sparrow identification! Every season brings its own challenges for birdwatching. In winter, similar-looking sparrows can be hard to tell apart and birding by ear becomes more difficult as birds sing less and call more. Join Executive Director and expert birder Bert Harris to learn some tips for identifying winter sparrows. Bert will walk you through the field marks of each species and use his years of birding experience to help you learn how to identify sparrows. Then in the second section of the program Bert will show sparrow photos to help you practice and test your new skills.

This program is intended for beginning and intermediate birders. We will send a Zoom link closer to the date.

Dam It: Partnering With Beavers to Restore the Planet, October 22nd

Photo Credit: Ellyne Geurts, via iNaturalist, North American beaver, Castor canadensis.

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024
7:00pm – 8:30pm

Webinar – Advance Registration Required 


Webinar presented by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Can we learn to embrace the much-maligned beaver? In his book “Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter,” environmental journalist Ben Goldfarb reveals that our modern conception of a healthy ecosystem is wrong, distorted by the fur trade that once eliminated millions of beavers from North America’s waterways. The consequences were profound: Ponds drained, wetlands dried up and species from salmon to swans lost vital habitat. Today, a growing coalition of “Beaver Believers”—including scientists, farmers and passionate citizens—recognizes that ecosystems with beavers are far healthier than those without them. From the Nevada deserts to the Scottish Highlands, Believers are hard at work restoring these industrious rodents to their former haunts. In his talk on Oct. 22, Ben will discuss the history and biology of this world-changing species; how beavers can help us fight drought, flooding, wildfire and climate change; and how we can coexist with this challenging but vital rodent.

This webinar will be recorded! Closed captions will be available during the live event and on the recording. By signing up on Zoom, you’ll be able to join live and receive a link to the recording approximately 1 week after the live webinar.

Sign up on Zoom to watch live or on-demand

View more Life on a Sustainable Planet webinars

October Citizen Science Survey Opportunities: Butterflies and Dragonflies

Photo by Ana Ka’ahanui, Halloween pennant dragonfly

Butterfly and dragonfly surveys are carried out in temperate months (April-October), normally on Friday mornings, at one of four sites around Occoquan Bay, all within the 15-mile diameter circle established for the annual North American Butterfly Association’s Annual Count.

Survey: Occoquan Bay NWR Butterfly and Dragonfly

Friday, October 4, 2024
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Occoquan Bay NWR
13950 Dawson Beach Road
Woodbridge, VA, 22191

Survey: Metz Wetlands Butterfly and Dragonfly

Friday, October 11, 2024
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Metz Wetlands
15875 Neabsco Road
Woodbridge, VA, 22191

Survey: Occoquan Regional Park Butterfly and Dragonfly


Friday, October 18, 2024
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Occoquan Regional Park
9751 Ox Road
Lorton, VA, 22079

Survey: Dyke Marsh Butterfly and Dragonfly Survey


Wednesday, October 23, 2024
8:30 AM 12:00 PM

Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve
George Washington Memorial Parkway and Tulane Drive
Belle Haven, VA, 22307


Survey: Meadowood Butterfly and Dragonfly Survey


Friday, October 25, 2024
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Meadowood Recreation Area
10406 Gunston Road
Lorton, VA, 22079

2024 Virginia Bluebird Society’s Biennial Conference, November 1st – 2nd

Photo: By Susan Cato, Bluebird at nest box

Friday & Saturday, November 1- 2, 2024
Friday 6:00PM – 10:00PM, Saturday 8:00AM – 4:00PM

Virginia Crossings Conference Center & Hotel
Glen Allen, VA.

Registration and Conference details

The Virginia Bluebird Society is celebrating its biennial conference on November 1st and 2nd.  Whether you are an experienced Bluebird landlord or just beginning and don’t know where to start, there will be sessions for you!

Topics include Nest Box Monitoring 101, nature photography, birding with children, nature journaling and so much more!  There will be a silent auction and fun merchandise to purchase.  

Keynote Speaker Mynra Pearman, biologist, author and nature photographer, will be sharing her expertise. Learn more about Myrna at: 

The conference will take place at Virginia Crossings in Glen Allen, Virginia. Registration opens September 9 on the Virginia Bluebird Society website. Contact [email protected]  for more information.


George Mason University Forager’s Forest, October 11th

Photo by: Ayman Rashid/Creative Services/George Mason University -Fruits of labor

Friday, October 11, 2024
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Anyone interested in volunteering should register for shifts on the University Sustainability volunteer portal (you will need to create an account, but it’s easy):

Project Description
Help sustain a new food forest on Mason campus! The stewardship activities will focus on the Foragers’ Forest and nearby riparian forest at George Mason University’s Fairfax campus. This includes weeding, mulching, planting, etc. in the Foragers’ Forest; and invasive plant removal in the riparian forest.

The Foragers’ Forest is a 100% locally native food forest that was installed in 2023 by Mason students and faculty. The space can best be described as part food forest, part rewilding experiment as it incorporates the Miyawaki method of reforestation. The Foragers’ Forest is adjacent to a recently restored stream and riparian buffer forest.

Important Information for Volunteers
Volunteers should wear pants, long sleeves, and closed toed shoes, and bring water. You may bring your own gardening gloves and loppers/pruners if you have them. We’ll provide gloves and tools if you don’t have them.

Volunteers will meet at one of the Forager’s Forest groves. The groves are located directly across the street from the Aquia Building (4461 Aquia Creek Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030) in the large lawn area. If you have trouble finding he location, call Sarah at 832-917-4024.

The best nearby parking option is the Mason Pond parking deck. Please note this is paid parking and we’re not able to cover parking costs. We will cancel the shift in the event of dangerous weather during the shift (e.g., thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, extreme heat, etc). We’ll try to notify you as soon as possible if we’re cancelling for weather. 

Invitation to Participate in Save the Night! Light Pollution Awareness & Dark Skies Day, November 17th

Photo: Fairfax County Park Authority – Dark Sky Celebration

Sunday, November 17, 2024
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Vienna Community Center
120 Cherry Street
Southeast Vienna, VA, 22180

DarkSky NOVA and Dark Sky Friends are hosting a Save the Night!

Join this family-friendly afternoon dedicated to exploring the effects of light pollution and how it impacts our lives and health.

Engage with astronomers, peer through telescopes, and immerse yourself in the planetarium experience. Discover how artificial light at night affects your health and that of birds, plants, insects and animals.

Light pollution, the excessive or misdirected artificial light that brightens our night skies, is a growing environmental issue with serious consequences. Discover the different forms of light pollution—such as skyglow, glare, and light trespass—and learn how they interfere with our ability to see stars and our everyday lives.

In addition to dimming our night skies, light pollution has far-reaching effects on human health, wildlife behavior, and energy consumption.

Learn how you can be part of the solution and how to stop light pollution!

Find out how you can help reduce light pollution and protect our night environment!


Project Learning Tree Facilitator

VMN is encouraging all chapters to get involved with an optional training opportunity facilitated by our close partner at the Virginia Department of Forestry.
VMN is working to build volunteer involvement in Project Learning Tree, which is a fantastic environmental education curriculum for youth. Involvement of VMN volunteers can include taking the PLT educator workshop (learning to use the curriculum for youth programs), taking the PLT facilitator training (learning to train other educators, such as fellow VMN volunteers in how to use the curriculum), doing EE programs for youth using the curriculum, and/or giving training workshops for other educators (for those who complete the facilitator training.)

To this end, the FMN Chapter has approved PLT as a CE Provider and established Activity Service code E003: Project Learning Tree Facilitator.
FMN CE hours may be recorded for taking the required training and then service hours may be recorded for actually preparing material and teaching the curriculum, as described in the attachments.

Please see the attached letter from Ellen Powell and Lesley Newman that describes a bit more.

Please follow up with Lesley Newman and Ellen Powell directly if you have questions! Contact info may be found in the FMN Activity Code E003 in BI under Outreach and Education.

Learn How to Protect Northern Virginia’s Birds, Webinar, October 9th

Photo: Purple Martins, Keith Kingdon/Audubon Photography Awards

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
7:30 – 9 pm
Free webinar.
Register here.

Over 100 million birds migrate through northern Virginia each spring,  and 160 million migrate through each fall. Their journeys are perilous because they can be attracted to and disoriented by brightly lit buildings, crashing into them or wasting precious energy flying around the lights.

Birds that live here risk colliding with glass and other reflective surfaces, and light pollution disrupts their feeding, sleeping and reproduction, as well as that of the plants and insects on which they depend.

Northern Virginia Bird Alliance has established a partnership with Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, DarkSky Virginia, DarkSky NOVA, Nature Forward, the Friends of Dyke Marsh and the Friends of Little Hunting Creek to initiate a Bird Safe NOVA campaign. Join them for a free online program to learn more about the dangers our birds face and what you can do to make their lives less risky.