A BFF to the ‘Friends of Trees’

The Fairfax County Tree Commission’s “Friends of Trees Awards” are awarded annually to recognize exceptional and innovative conservation-based tree activities in Fairfax County and the people behind them.
FMN Maryam Dadkhah, received the 2024 award in the ‘Individual’ category for providing extraordinary unpaid leadership in conceiving and implementing various tree-related projects throughout the year.

FMN Maryam Dadkhah – photo courtesy C. Wolter

She first volunteered as a Fairfax Master Naturalist in 2022. The award announcement mentions that Maryam has worked as a community leader to educate the public and local agencies about native trees and plants since 2021.

Highlights from her array of 2024 stewardship activities include:
* volunteer Project Manager for Fairfax ReLeaf
* volunteered with the Town of Vienna’s Parks superintendent to improve area parks through native tree and shrub seedling planting and protection
* partnered with Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District and

Maryam’s rain barrels – photo William Mayhew

Fairfax Releaf to plant 337+ native trees and shrubs in the Vienna public parks of Wildwood, Glyndon, and Southside
* served her third year as a group leader from Navy Federal, instructing employee volunteers on invasive removal and native tree and shrub planting
* worked with Fairfax County Park Authority’s Invasive Management Areas Program to cage active tree seedlings in Middleridge and Woodglen Lake Parks
* Encouraged and educated local friends and family to plant and maintain native areas on their personal property in an organized, tidy, compliant manner – planting 146 trees and shrubs in county neighborhoods including her own.

Maryam also engages in “passive” education with a highly visible little book and seed library on her property. Anyone walking by can peruse or borrow

Maryam’s Little Seed and Book Library – photo William Mayhew

books describing native plants and their benefits. Small drawers hold a collection of free seed packets. She also makes native plant magnets for this unique neighborhood library. From one seed packet for one person, to hundreds of trees planted by family, friends or volunteers, Maryam makes it happen.



– Fairfax County Tree Commission – content and photo
– FMN Sarah Mayhew and William Mayhew – content and photos

– FMN Janet Quinn – research

– FMN Jerry Nissley – cover photo


Dreaming of Forests

Photo: Induction Ceremony, FMN Janet Quinn*

Article by FMN Stacey Remick

It is possible to save and celebrate forests.  I know it does not seem possible when you see so many tracts of beautiful trees destroyed for roads and further development.  I am here to tell you that you can dream big and bring your local forests, parks and private lands into a network of recognized Community and Old Growth Forests.

St. Peter’s in the Woods Episcopal Church dreamed big this year.  In 2019, we were awarded what is now the Wildlife Sanctuary designation through the Northern Virginia Bird Alliance, in part because of our native gardens.  We continued our congregational work in setting the cultural and infrastructural foundations of sustainability and Earth care practices.  So, in May of this year, I proposed to the church governing board that I submit a petition for our Sanctuary Forest to be considered for inclusion into the Old Growth Forest Network.

Photo: Forest at dawn, FMN Stacey Remick

Our property sits in a Resource Protection Area (RPA) as part of the Virginia Commonwealth’s Chesapeake Bay Ordinance.  Being designated as an Old Growth Forest would be a confirmation of this protected status — more than this, a public statement of our commitment to the continued practices of stewardship of this mature forest that it will become an old-growth forest.  Our unique placement in a zone of resource protection is permanent and would have stood whether or not we submitted for this designation.  We wanted to make public our commitment and responsibility.

We have two retaining ponds and the forest itself is a riparian buffer that contributes to the protection of both the Occoquan and Chesapeake Bay watersheds.  The forest is close to 100 years old and has all the characteristics of a mature forest, which means that it is not fully old-growth yet but it will become old-growth within a decade.  It contains a meditation trail of about .2 miles and is used by not just our congregation but our surrounding community.

I began the process by contacting the Old Growth Forest Network with a basic description of our forest as well as pictures and video of it over the last year.  We worked with

Photo: Meditation trail, FMN Stacey Remick

Brian Kane to go over the key critical criteria for the designation.  Once I had done the required research, the final documentation was submitted.  We signed a Memorandum of Understanding which outlined our responsibilities and then began planning for a September 14, 2024 induction ceremony.

As of September 14th, we are listed on the national Old Growth Forest Community Forests website, have been invited to speak at webinars and will soon be featured in the international Episcopal E-Communique Living Church.  Other congregations are looking to us as an example of what is possible to hope for and aspire to.  One result is that the Virginia Master Naturalists (VMN) program got a boost when Virginia Senator Stella Pekarsky and Virginia Delegate Dan Hellman learned about the Virginia Master Naturalists active in our congregation.  They had never heard of VMN, much less the Fairfax Chapter, before coming to the ceremony.

If you are a private landowner, know of a park where there is a mature forest or you live in a community that has such a forested space, do not give up hope.  Consider talking with the Old Growth Forest Network.  No matter how large or small a forest, such a designation moves us closer to saving more of our precious forest ecosystems.

Please feel free to visit St. Peter’s in the Woods (https://www.stpetersinthewoods.org) anytime during the year.  For more information about the Old Growth Forest Network (https://www.oldgrowthforest.net) contact Brian Kane.  If you would like to join me for a walk in our forest or a retreat, please contact me at [email protected].

* Pictured in feature photo:

Furthest left – Christopher Topoleski, Executive Director, Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS)
Front row to the right of Christopher Topoleski
Andreana Jinju Lin, Communications and Outreach Manager (FACS)
Stacey Remick, author
Brian Kane, Old Growth Forest Network
Rev. Susan Hartzell, St. Peter’s in the Woods

Back row left to right
Fatima Malik, representing Congressman Gerry Connolly
Virginia State Senator Stella Pekarsky
Virginia State Delegate Dan Helmer
Kristine Montamat, Chair, Diocese of Virginia Creation Care Committee.


A Rewarding Day

National Public Lands Day at Mason Neck State Park (MNSP) was rewarding in more ways than one. The day saw a service commendation presented to our chapter president and the initial planting of a major pollinator garden.

Senator Pekarsky and FMN Sarah Mayhew –  photo FMN Rob Warren

Virginia State Senator Stella Pekarsky (36th district) presented Sarah Mayhew with a volunteer commendation (Senate Resolution number 161). Senator Pekarsky, a member of the Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources committee, presented Sarah with a conservation award recognizing her 20+ years of conservation service in Fairfax County.

Sarah has been the Virginia Master Naturalist – Fairfax Chapter president

FMN crew planting the garden – photo Rob Warren

since 2023 and championed our chapter project at MNSP. The project commits 5 years of service to restore and maintain two large pollinator gardens and the native plants surrounding the visitor’s center. For the Public Lands Day event, 23 FMN gathered to plant the ‘Forest Edge’ garden with native plants appropriate for that specific area. Of course, the pot-luck picnic prior to the work shift, coordinated by FMN Mike Walker, made for happy laborers. The chapter project maintenance phase will continue for the next 3 years. Volunteers can sign up for work days via the BI calendar.

FMN Stephanie Johnson – photo Rob Warren

FMN Stephanie Johnson (owner Green Steeze Landscaping) and landscape architect, designed the garden with Jim McGlone, purchased all the native plants with funds from Friends of Mason Neck State Park, and volunteered many of her own hours along with some of her crew’s hours to help plant it. A very generous contribution of time and resources. Thank you Steph! You’re the best!

– Thanks to Jamie Leeuwrik, Chief Ranger for Visitor Experience at MNSP and a Fairfax Chapter co-advisor, for supporting the chapter project.

FMN Mike Walker – kudos for coordinating and setting up the picnic.

Jim McGlone’s significant contributions to the project.

The Friends of Mason Neck State Park for a wonderful project partnership and major contributions of time and resources.
FMN Rob Warren for photos of the day.

FMN Superhero: Rescuing Native Plants and Turtles

Article and photos by FMN Katy Johnson, except as noted

I am writing this article in hopes to inspire you to become more aware of what is happening in your neighborhoods and to raise your hand to do what you can to help preserve our local flora and fauna.

My Master Naturalist journey began by joining the Virginia Native Plant Society’s Native Plant Rescue headed up by the Potomac Chapter VNPS Grass Bunch and Friends of Accotink Creek.  I like to joke and say Alan Ford suggested I become a Master Naturalist because he was tired of me following him around asking questions.  I appreciated the opportunity to learn and took his advice.  The project took longer than was expected and I was able to get through my FMN Training, had enough hours upon graduation to become Certified and became a Site Leader. The site became my Walden Pond.  I was able to spend countless number of hours there, observing and studying all that existed in this small patch of nature.

FMN Katy Johnson with rescued Jack-in-the-pulpit, photo by Laura Beaty

When the site eventually closed to be developed, I started reading Fairfax City Council meeting agendas to become aware of projects being proposed and other opportunities to rescue our native plants.  The City’s Stream Restoration seemed like a great opportunity.  I reached out and contacted our Publics Works Program Manager and later found out Friends of Accotink Creek had also reached out asking again to rescue the native plants in the disturbance area ahead of the project.  We were granted access to the site and have been heading up weekly rescues for over a year now.

Because of the enormous area to be disturbed, and need to find homes for the relocated plants, we decided it would be a good opportunity to create a Native Plant Demonstration Area to show the importance of Invasive Removal.  We chose a site at a very prominent park in the City that would be able to demonstrate the difference of a healthy habitat and one that has been smothered in invasives.  We removed the carpet of invasives and replanted with the native rescues. The difference is obvious even to passive observers. We were then able to get the site adopted as a Pilot for the Adopt a Spot Program and it is now being maintained.

Inspired by a Rod Simmons VNPS Program on Golden Rods, we decided that the local ecotypes of plants should be eventually returned back to the area after the stream restoration.  We reached out to the City’s Urban Forester with the idea, who walked the site with us and identified specific species she would like to save.  We have identified hundreds of native seedlings to be saved and eventually be relocated back to the site.  We have been saving plants in our yards and are working with the City to hopefully establish a Native Plant/tree Nursery.

Phil Latasa at native plant giveaway

By being aware and working with our City, thousands of native plants have been rescued.  Many were set aside for use in other City parks and projects.  We were able to give away hundreds of plants at City events such as Earth Day and HisTree to educate the public about the importance of native plants, and to get them started on their native plant journey.  The plan is to return as many local ecotype species as we have rescued back to where they came from after the stream restoration.

Because of our involvement and the relationship we had established with the City, the Public Works Program Manager for the Ashby Pond Dredging Project reached out to myself and Philip Latasa of Friends of Accotink Creek last year to see if there were native plants to rescue in the disturbance area of the Dredging Project. On our walk to identify plants, I asked “What about the turtles?” His response was “What turtles?” I said “The giant turtles that live here.” Philip mentioned a similar project in Manassas that had rescued a number of turtles ahead of a pond’s draining.  Philip passed along more information about the Lucasville Pond Retrofit in Manassas. The City then contracted Dr. Todd Rimkus of Hawksbill Hope, a Turtle Conservation Non-Profit. Dr. Rimkus had participated in the Manassas rescue. I offered to be the Volunteer Coordinator for the Rescue.

Dr. Rimkus with snapping turtle

Volunteers from Fairfax Master Naturalists and the community, were able to observe and assist as Dr. Rimkus and his team pulled traps that were baited with raw chicken legs.  The largest turtle caught measured in at 18 inches and an estimated 40 pounds.  So far, 58 turtles, snapping, painted and a river

cooter that would have otherwise been destroyed have been rescued.   The snapping and painted turtles have been tagged and safely relocated to ponds identified by Dr. Rimkus that could support them, but

Inserting the tracking device

do not currently have a turtle population.  Download a video taken by Dr. Rimkus of a big snapper being released. The river cooter will be held by Dr. Rimkus until the Project’s completion and then returned to Ashby Pond.  The project has been paused due to empty traps and high temperatures.  There have been a few turtle sitings reported at the pond so the project will continue on a smaller scale when the weather is more conducive.


I hope my Naturalist Journey will inspire you to reach out and create your own opportunities to do what you can do!

A Community Effort: Banding Osprey in Colonial Beach


Cover Photo: Joanie Millward, FMN Peter Mecca Connecting with a raptor.

Article by FMN Peter Mecca – Educator, Scientist and Lifelong learner

As an educator and scientist, I welcome opportunities to interact with all forms of life on Earth. Whether it’s helping to raise trout in Virginia or tagging leatherback turtles in Puerto Rico, my work with wildlife strengthens my passion to learn and care for our natural resources.  As a lifelong learner, I believe it’s important to acquire new knowledge and skills, and to use that information to promote a healthy planet for all who share this space. 


I am an adjunct biology professor at the University of Maryland’s Global Campus. Formerly, I was a university professor of science education and biology, a science coordinator for Defense Department schools, and a high school science teacher. I hold a BS in Secondary Education-Biology, an MA in Environmental Biology, and a PhD in Curriculum & Instruction, and Ecology. I am also a Virginia Master Naturalist in the Fairfax County Chapter.


While in Colonial Beach, Virginia, this spring, I met Joanie Millward, president of the Virginia Osprey Foundation, and her husband Barry. We discovered a common interest in natural resource conservation and community science. As Joanie and Barry described their involvement with the Virginia Osprey Foundation, I mentioned that I was a naturalist and environmental biologist, and often do volunteer work on events similar to those supported by the foundation. When they extended an invitation to participate in the 3rd Annual Osprey Chick Banding on June 25, I immediately accepted the invitation. Under authority and direction of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the banding is led and conducted by Ken Smith, a federally permitted raptor bander. 


Bird banding is a valuable process in the study and conservation of the approximately 1,270 bird species that exist in the United States. According to the Bird Banding Laboratory at the USGS, bird banding data are useful in scientific research and management, as well as conservation projects. Individual identification of birds allows for study of dispersal and migration, behavior and social structure, life-span and survival rate, reproductive success, and population growth.


Ospreys are abundant in Colonial Beach during the spring and summer seasons. There are more than 50 nesting platforms — human constructed structures — and tree nests in its 2.6-square-mile area. As ospreys return from their wintering grounds in late February and early March, the sky is filled with their presence and songs. Their arrival produces excitement and signals the start of spring and summer in Colonial Beach. Residents share their enthusiasm with one another as they witness these magnificent raptors bringing sticks and other objects to their nests, preparing a place to raise a new clutch of chicks.

Photo: Joanie Millward, Ken Smith and FMN Peter Mecca banding a 4-week-old chick.

On June 25, I joined Joanie, Barry, and Ken on visits to five nests where we banded a total of 12 chicks. Since the nests were high above ground, Todd Dalton, a local resident who works for Dominion Energy and is authorized to use the company bucket truck, was responsible for the removal and return of the chicks to and from the nest. Ken showed the volunteers how to handle each chick. I was lucky to participate twice. As I held a chick, Ken would carefully get a band, supplied to him by USGS with a USFW number, size and attach it to the right leg of the bird. Although the band can be attached to either leg, Ken prefers the right. While Ken did the banding, I securely and safely held the chick while paying attention to its behavior. If the chick were to get anxious, I’d place a covering over its head to block vision. This action helps to calm the bird. After the bird was banded, I handed the chick back to Ken, who placed it into a cloth bag and got ready for the next. An osprey usually has two to three chicks at a time, so we had to tag all before Todd could return them to the nest. Given that the chicks ranged in age from four to six weeks, I was surprised as to how docile they were. They basically let us do our job. The mom, on the other hand, was not happy. She constantly tried to intimidate Todd while he was removing and returning the chicks. Fortunately, the adult osprey stayed out of reach of Todd. Once the chicks were returned, it usually took about 10 to 15 minutes for the adults to return to the nest. I suppose they wanted to make sure the humans were out of the area.  

Photo: FMN Peter Mecca, Todd Dalton discovers these items in two nests.

As we went from nest to nest, local residents would come out of their homes and inquire about our work. All expressed sincere interest and thanked us for our efforts. Some of the residents volunteered to hold a chick while Ken administered a band. A Colonial Beach police officer, on patrol, also stopped to volunteer. 

I am so thrilled about what I did and what I observed in this town. The osprey banding is an example of community science in action. Residents value osprey and are willing to help protect them. I will continue to assist with banding osprey as well as support the efforts of the Virginia Osprey Foundation. Wherever you are in the Commonwealth, I encourage you to connect and engage with nature. Whether its stream monitoring, stream cleanups or bird banding, value our planet and take action.


FMN Spotlight – Virginia Native Plant Society

FMN once again flicks on the spotlight – this time to shine it on longtime Stewardship opportunity provider, Virginia Native Plant Society (VNPS) and FMN Alan Ford, our chapter point of contact for VNPS.

Alan getting to the root of a problem – photo Carol Wolter

Spotlighting our partners and the opportunities they offer creates membership awareness and associates a name with an organization. This also affords FMN a chance to thank them for their tireless contributions over the years.

VNPS has 12 chapters supporting 2750+ members state wide and has endeavored for over thirty years in encouraging appreciation for and promoting engagement with the natural wonders of Virginia. Alan is President of the Potowmack Chapter, which is involved with numerous local and state program initiatives. Activities sponsored and funded by the VNPS include unstinting support for the development and publication of the new Flora of Virginia Project; supporting the Virginia Department of Natural Heritage in their missions, including plant identification, land acquisition and protection; and various educational programs for their membership and the public.
Six Fairfax Master Naturalist’s participated in the inaugural Flora of Virginia Ambassadors certification program in 2024, which was open to all VMN chapters (FMN code E002: Flora of Virginia Ambassadors – – VMN). The next FOV Ambassadors program is projected to convene in spring 2025.

Alan with Lisa Bright (Co-founder & Director Emerita Earth Sangha) sorting native grasses – photo courtesy Alan Ford

The Potowmack Chapter, co-founded the statewide VNPS organization along with the Prince William Wildflower Society. It is the largest VNPS chapter, representing 780 members in the counties of Arlington and Fairfax; cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church. Being the largest chapter in the most urbanized region, poses some challenges on programs and outreach. The chapter is involved with various urban landscape efforts and strives to alleviate the challenges of park funding and invasive plant management.

FMN’s service code for working on VNPS activities is ‘S231: VNPS field work including Green Spring Gardens service — VA Native Plant Society’. This service opportunity provides local stewardship activities for organizing and participating in native plant rescues; assistance with maintaining the Green Spring Gardens Native Plant Trail; and other stewardship and educational programs. VNPS provides lecture presentations, nature walks, and other activities to help the public learn more about local native flora. VNPS provides FMN with many training and volunteer opportunities.  Their programs and field trips are amazing.  VNPS programs emphasize public education, protection of endangered species, native habitat preservation, and encourage appropriate landscape use of native plants. 

Please contact Alan Ford, Potowmack Chapter President, [email protected] for more information on how to get involved as an FMN volunteer or directly in VNPS.
Alan, a former computer science professor at American University, has been an FMN member since 2008 and has accumulated over 2500 FMN service hours, as well as, thousands of hours in service to outdoor parks in Northern Virginia and surrounding communities.

Home Page – VNPS Potowmack Chapter

Alan Ford contributed content and photos for this article.
Marilyn Schroeder contributed the spark.
Cover Photo – Green Springs Gardens, courtesy of FCPA.


Bull Run Mountain – Ethnobotany Hike

A wonderful day was enjoyed by all FMN in attendance on 18 May 2024 with our friends at Virginia Outdoor Foundation (VOF). FMN had 12 people attend the sui generis hike on Saturday at the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve. Richard Volk commented, “I had not previously been to the Preserve and enjoyed every minute of it (or should I say the 3.5 hours in the mostly light rain). Amber Miller, with Virginia Outdoor Foundation (VOF), was an excellent tour guide, full of information about the history of the area and its First Nation, African American, and white settler inhabitants. We saw and discussed the medicinal and cultural uses of dozens of plants. VOF will be hosting additional guided tours … I look forward to going back for more! “.

FMN Kristin Bauersfeld saw some unique plants, learned new facts, and echoed Richard’s sentiments of the unique opportunity, “it was a great experience”.

FMN Maryam Dadkhah provided all the photos in this article and several more but I could only squeeze a few in due to space constraints.

Here is a sample of things the group discovered during the hike.

Diphasiastrum digitatum – photo M. Dadkhah

Diphasiastrum digitatum – has many species known under common names of groundcedar, running cedar, or crowsfoot, but the most common name, fan clubmoss, specifically refers to the pictured species. It is the most common species in North America. Club mosses belong to a Class of plants called Lycophytes, which are more closely related to ferns and other vascular plants. Like ferns, club mosses are seedless plants, which means they reproduce by releasing a large number of extremely tiny spores
Did You Know? – Club moss spores and teas from plant leaves have been used since early times in both Native American and European cultures. Medicinal uses included treating urinary tract problems, diarrhea, and other digestive tract problems; relieving headaches and skin ailments; and inducing labor in pregnancy. This species was also once one of the principal clubmoss species used for collection of lycopodium powder, used as a primitive flashpowder.

Chimaphila maculataPhoto M. Dadkhah

Chimaphila maculata – spotted or striped wintergreen, striped prince’s pine, spotted pipsissewa, ratsbane, or rheumatism root. It is a small, ever-green herb native to eastern North American and elsewhere.
Did You Know? – The Creek tribe called it ‘pipsisikweu’ – which means ‘breaks into small pieces’ – after the supposed ability to break down gallstones and kidney stones. Native Americans used its leaf tea to treat rheumatism and stomach problems; crushed leaves were applied as a poultice to sores and wounds.

Kalmia latifolia – photo M. Dadkhah

Kalmia latifolia – mountain laurel, calico-bush, or spoonwood, is a species of flowering plant in the heath family (Ericaceae), native to the eastern US. Its range is Maine to Florida, as far west as Missouri.
Did You Know? – Kalmia latifolia is known as spoonwood because Native Americans used it to make their spoons out of it.
The plant was first recorded in America in 1624, but it was named after the Finnish explorer and botanist Pehr Kalm (1716–1779), who sent samples to Linnaeus.

Medeola virginiana – photo M. Dadkhah

Medeola virginiana – known as Indian cucumber, cucumber root, or Indian cucumber-root, is an eastern North American plant species in the lily family. It is the only currently recognized plant species in the genus Medeola. It grows in forest understory in Piedmont regions such as the Appalachian mountains.
Did You Know? – The plant bears edible rhizomes that taste mildly like cucumbers.




Notophthalmus viridescens – photo M. Dadkhah

The Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) – is a common newt of eastern North America. It frequents small lakes, ponds, and streams or nearby wet forests, changing colors and body functions during stages of maturity.
Did You Know? – The eastern newt produces tetrodotoxin which makes the species unpalatable to most predatory fish and birds. It can be mildly toxic to humans when handled extensively. Hopefully no one became ill during the making of this photograph. The newt has a lifespan of 12 to 15 years in the wild, and it may grow to 5 in (13 cm) in length.

Gorgeous Terrapene carolina carolina – photo M. Dadkhah

The Woodland box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) – is a subspecies within a group of hinge-shelled turtles normally called box-turtles. T. c. carolina is native to a wide range of eastern North America. While in the pond turtle family, Emydidae, and not a tortoise, the box turtle is largely terrestrial.
Did You Know? – Box turtle’s lifespan is 30-50 years and is the only turtle that can completely close up in its own shell – hence the name. Males tend to have red eyes and females tend to have brown eyes. The turtle’s carapace was used in Native culture as a bowl or scoop.

Cover photo: Epigaea repens – trailing arbutus, or ground laurel, is a low, spreading plant in the family Ericaceae. It is found from Newfoundland to Florida and west to Kentucky. The plant is a slow-growing, sprawling shrub that prefers moist, shady habitats and acidic (humus-rich) soil. It is often part of the heath complex in an oak-heath forest.
Did You Know? – The Algonquin use an infusion of leaves for kidney disorders. The Cherokee use a decoction of the plant to induce vomiting, treat abdominal pain, and they give an infusion of the plant to children for diarrhea. The Iroquois use a compound for labor pains in parturition, use a compound decoction for rheumatism and indigestion.

Kristin added a few more examples of plants discovered during the hike. “We saw so many things, obviously there isn’t room to list them all: wild comfrey (bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory), spicebush (tea, spice), mustard garlic (introduced to help with soil erosion), jewelweed (use on poison oak/ivy rashes), nettles, elderberry, American jumpseed… the list goes on!  Amber also made a point about how non-native plants like multiflora rose that we love to hate has been around long enough that people have found uses for it, such as using the rose hips or flower as an astringent.”

There you have it. If you want to learn more be sure to sign up for the next trip (TBD).

The hikers – Photo M. Dadkhah

Thank you to Richard and Kristin for contributing to this article and to Maryam for providing the wonderful photos.
A big thank you to Amber Miller, a research Fellow for Virginia Outdoors Foundation (VOF) Bull Run Mountain Natural Area Preserve for making the best of a rainy day by leading an entertaining and informative hike. Last but not least, the VOF sweeper Janet, added her own knowledge and kept the group together.

River Farm – Bluebird Trail Update

River Farm meadows showing one of the new boxes – photo Jerry Nissley

Washington’s River Farm, the home of the American Horticulture Society (AHS) has renovated their Bluebird Trail, with assistance from FMN. The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis), once as common as the robin, saw a drastic decline in population for reasons including loss of habitat, pesticide use, an influx of feral house cats, and the introduction of the House Sparrow and the European Starling.

FMN Susan Farmer (AHS/FMN liaison) called together a team of 8 FMN volunteers to help install and monitor the bluebird boxes at River Farm. Susan set up both on-line and field training for the monitors who are now monitoring the boxes and logging activity every week in teams of two.

Chicks and eggs – Photo FMN Donna Stauffer

This initial season of monitoring has seen success and tragedy. In early April one nest box was recorded to contain five blue eggs. In mid-April, two eggs had hatched with the other three eggs still viable. However, by the first check in May, the box was observed to be empty. Perhaps through vandalism but nothing could be confirmed. Measures to mitigate chances of a reoccurrence have been implemented and hopefully this will not happen again. In any event, the box once again contains bluebird eggs and FMN will continue with due diligence to monitor and report activity.

Empty box – Photo Jerry Nissley

During a recent day of monitoring, Glenda Booth from the Connection newspaper, joined in to journal what has been done at AHS and what is involved with monitoring nest boxes. Coincidentally, Glenda’s visit was on the day the open box was discovered. Her article may be read HERE. Hardcopy newspapers, with photos, may be found at Sherwood Hall library and other Mt Vernon area Fairfax County buildings.

If you are interested in any aspect of this project please contact FMN Susan Farmer [email protected]

William Ramsay Science Night

 Cover photo – Jerry Nissley

William Ramsay Elementary in Alexandria is an interesting facility, housing the school, a recreation center, and the Buddie Ford Nature Center. Hosting the first annual Science Night was a natural neighborhood outreach for the school. They were indeed a gracious host too providing dinner, signage, and setup assistance for all the volunteers.

FMN’s connection to the event is Peter Jones, an FMN member and EL teacher at William Ramsay. FMN responded to Peter’s call for volunteers with two nature related topics.

FMN Tom Blackburn with Audubon display – Photo Peter Jones

Tom Blackburn donned his Audubon hat and provided a colorful interactive presentation on “Birds and Beaks”. Jerry Nissley was there with “Turtle Talk”, a fun-fact-filled show and tell display focused on Woodland Box turtles.
The event was set up in the rec-center gym and included tables on a myriad of environmental topics such as Energy Concepts, Water Cycle, Climate Action, and Air Quality Technologies. On the nature side, Buddie Ford Nature Center, Geology and Minerals, Entomology (drawers of awesome bugs from USDA collection housed at Natural History Museum), Pollinators, Spotted Lantern Fly, and the aforementioned Birds and Turtles all had tables.

FMN Jerry Nissley talkin turtles – Photo Peter Jones

Vesta Nelson, Science Coach at Ramsay followed up with a message to the volunteers saying, “WOW! We had over 300 visitors last night.  We weren’t getting a lot of feedback about kids attending, so I really didn’t think it was going to be that big.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Words cannot express how thankful I am because you all really did an AMAZING JOB! The kids learned a lot!  I couldn’t believe what they remembered. We do shout outs at our school and the 4th and 5th graders gave us a lot of shout outs! WOO HOO! I’m so pleased with how it turned out.”

FMN Spotlight: Tammy Schwab and FCPA

Cover photo – Jerry Nissley

FMN would like to shine the spotlight on our Chapter Partners and introduce the partner contacts so you can associate a name with an organization when you receive information from them. This also provides FMN a chance to thank them for their tireless contributions to our chapter over the years.
It makes sense to start off by spotlighting Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA), that is by far FMN’s most supported Chapter Partner. The venerable Tammy Schwab, who really does not need an introduction, is our FCPA partner contact and an FMN member. She is responsible for many of the FCPA programs and keeps FMN engaged year after year. So please join us in a big thank you to Tammy for the big and small things she does for the chapter!

Tammy running the bug identification station at Lewinsville park Bug Fest. This event was supported by FMN. Photo FCPA

In addition to chapter partner contact for the FCPA she has provided extraordinary support to the Chapter from its inception and was recognized with an FMN Trailblazer Award. From her trailblazers award: Tammy played a key role in initiation of the Fairfax Chapter, serving as first Continuing Education Committee Chair and long-term Mammalogy and Interpretation instructor for the Basic Training Course. Tammy’s experience as Manager, Education & Outreach for the Fairfax County Park Authority’s Resource Management Division provides a wealth of knowledge that greatly benefits the chapter. Tammy has made significant individual contributions, including:

• Served as the first Continuing Education Committee chair. She identified training opportunities, evaluated training proposals, and coordinated FMN-oriented training classes,
• Serves as Mammalogy and Interpretation instructor for the Basic Training Course, providing interesting authoritative information both in class and on field trips,
• Taught FMN-oriented Animal Tracking and Wildlife Mapping courses,
• Led a Sully Woodlands walk for an FMN chapter meeting,
• Identifies FMN volunteer service opportunities with FCPA.

Tammy continues to develop and enhance county programs and she would like to promote the newest park initiative and identify a sample of continuing programs that FMN volunteers can get involved with now.

FCPA Wonder Wagon – Photo FCPA

The newest initiative for FCPA and FMNs to partner on is the Wonder Wagon Mobile Nature Center. WONDER stands for Wild Outdoor Nature Discovery Everywhere Revealed.
FMN and FCPA share a mission to spread the knowledge and love of nature to local residents.  The purpose of the Wonder Wagon Mobile Nature Center is to bring nature exploration straight to the underserved and underrepresented members of the community. FCPA will enhance current programming by activating the exploration of nature in the community and connecting people with nature where they are.  Thanks to the support of Community Partners like the Fairfax Master Naturalists we can meet the community members where they are – Libraries, community centers, events, unstaffed parks and School Age Child Care centers. Through these “Nature activations”, previously underserved members of the community will feel a stronger connection to the nature that is around them where they live and play. This effort will promote equity and community engagement by removing the barrier of accessibility and will result in a deeper connection to nature for our residents.

FMN is currently vested in the Wonder Wagon through a financial donation in 2023 and FMN can now signup as volunteers to support the program in the field.  Members interested in volunteering for Wonder Wagon can contact [email protected]

Additional volunteer opportunities in the parks:

Ongoing opportunities to be part of a team:
Youth Program Support; 2-4 volunteers; Primarily weekday mornings, shifts can be 9am-1pm

Share your passion for nature with school aged children at Hidden Pond Nature Center. Help with school programs and public programs for ages 3-11 year olds.Some experience working with kids preferred. Background check required. Must commit to at least one program a month for a season.

Contact [email protected] for more info.

Animal Care:

Help with the care of animals at Hidden Oaks Nature Center, including feeding and watering turtles, snakes, toads, and other animals and cleaning their enclosures. Learn about the natural history of reptiles and amphibians. Training provided. Contact Janet Siddle at [email protected] or 703-941-1065. 

Volunteer on Duty (Front Desk Support):

If you love nature and enjoy talking to people, consider volunteering at Hidden Oaks Nature Center’s front desk. You will welcome visitors, orient them to the park, answer questions, and check in program participants. This is an opportunity to learn about the natural resources of the county and share your knowledge. Contact Janet Siddle at [email protected] or 703-941-1065. 

Assistant Program Leader:

Help us teach kids and have fun doing it, at your local park! Children learn all about the local environment, nature and history during our programs and while on field trips. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone with a passion for the outdoors and a drive to help instill it in a new generation. Opportunities are intermittent and based on registration. Contact Janet Siddle at [email protected] or 703-941-1065. 

Elklick Preserve (in western Fairfax County near Centreville): has significant openings.  It is part of an on-going forest restoration project to restore a rare forest type.  It involves using hand tools like loppers and pruners to cut competing vegetation to promote oak and hickory seedlings.  The learning opportunities involve forest tree and shrub identification in the winter, spring and summer and to learn about the process of forest restoration. This would be an ongoing effort throughout the year and not a one time event. Training will take place from FCPA staff. Anyone who is interested can contact Owen at [email protected].

Bluebell Fest Saturday, April 6, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Riverbend Park, Great Falls:

Contact Andrew Wilk at Riverbend park for more information and to volunteer [email protected]

Earth Day Fairfax April 20th at Sully historic site Chantilly VA:
Help the Wonder Wagon at its first public event! To get on the Wonder Wagon volunteer interest list for this and other opportunities contact:

Nikki Zita [email protected] or

Molly Neeson [email protected]