Follow the Spring Bird Migration with the BirdCast Migration Dashboard!

Photo: Purple Martins, Keith Kingdon/Audubon Photography Awards

The new BirdCast Migration Dashboard provides summaries of radar-based measurements of nocturnal bird migration, including estimates of the total number of birds migrating, their directions, speeds, and altitudes. This tool depicts migration patterns in near real time or as a summary of a whole night after nocturnal periods end (2021-present); this includes additional historical information (2013-2021) as well as previous nights’ movements. Note that the dashboard currently provides data for counties and states in the contiguous US, complementing the existing forecast and live migration maps but allowing you to explore nocturnal bird migration in ways that were previously impossible. As your explorations begin, discovering interesting, new and previously unknown patterns will be, perhaps, the most exciting aspects of the new tool!

This tool presents a number of different measures of bird migration, and the descriptions below provide some basic information and guidance for interpreting these appropriately. Type in the county or state of your choice in the contiguous United States, select a date during migration seasons in 2021 or 2022, and begin! If you are new to BirdCast, get acquainted with the basics: How to use the BirdCast Migration Dashboard to experience your local migration in detail.

BirdCast is a consortium of interdisciplinary researchers, primarily from three organizations at present, with a growing list of collaborators, supporters, and partners.

Core Partners: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Colorado State University, and University of Massachusetts Amherst
Core funders: National Science Foundation, Leon Levy Foundation, and Amazon Web Services
Other support: NOAA, US Geological Survey, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, NASA, Microsoft
Other partners: Houston Audubon Society, Perot Museum, Dallas Zoo



Butterfly Gardening, Supply Side with Margaret Chatham, May 8th

Photo: Margaret Chatham, Virginia Native Plant Society – Potowmack Chapter

Thursday, May 8, 2025
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Free – Registration required.

Margaret Chatham will discuss larval host plants for an array of local butterflies.

Margaret Chatham is a Fraser Preserve Volunteer Visitation Committee Member who removes invasive barberry shrubs in winter and wavyleaf grass in summer and knows the preserve intimately. She is also editor of the VNPS Potowmack News newsletter, a volunteer at the VNPS propagation beds at Green Spring Gardens in Alexandria, and an Arlington Regional Master Naturalist.

Clean the Bay Day, June 7th

Saturday, June 7, 2025
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

This short, three-hour annual event has a massive cumulative impact. Since the event began in 1989, this Virginia tradition has engaged more than 165,500 volunteers who have removed approximately 7.18 million pounds of debris from our land and waterways.

The 36th annual Clean the Chesapeake Bay Day event takes place on Saturday, June 7, 2025, from 9 a.m. to noon at sites all across the Chesapeake Bay watershed in Virginia. Volunteer registration will open in April. If you would like to be contacted when registration opens, join the email list.

Clean the Bay Day could not be the huge success that it is without everyone joining together and lending a hand. Check out the photo album. Watch the video to see why so many people participate.

Ready to go one step further? Each cleanup site needs a Zone Captain. It’s easy! You simply check in volunteers and report back data. Webinar training and other resources will be provided. Contact us at [email protected] if you would like more information.

In 2024, more than 3,680 volunteers and 60+ CBF partners gathered at over 200 sites across Virginia. Thanks to their hard work more than 82,200 pounds of debris were removed from parks, beaches, rivers, streets, and lakes.

Spring 2025 Native Plant Sales

Photo: Courtesy of Plant NOVA Natives

Why Native Plants?

  1. Naturally beautiful! Native plants will add beauty to your garden. Not convinced?

  2. Made for here! Native plants are adapted to local conditions. Planted in the right place, native plants need less water and other care than our non-native lawns. 

  3. Good for the Earth! Unlike non-native plants such as turfgrass, native plants support butterflies, birds and pollinators AND healthy water!

If you are looking for particular plants, in most cases you can contact the vendors ahead of time to ask them to bring them for you.

Friends of Riverbend Park – Saturday, April 5


Friends of Riverbend Park Bluebell Sale
Riverbend Park
8700 Potomac Hills Street
Great Falls, VA 22066
Bluebells will be sold on the deck of the Visitor Center in conjunction with the Bluebell festival

 – and –

 Saturday, April 12

Friends of Riverbend Park – Pickup for Native Plant Sale
Riverbend Park Educational Pavilion
8700 Potomac Hills Street|Great Falls, VA 22066
For presale of native plant orders and details, go to Friends of Riverbend Park


Walker Nature Center Native Plant Sale – Saturday, April 12

Saturday, April 12
9:30am-1:00pm pickup

Walker Nature Center Native Plant Sale
11450 Glade Drive
Reston, VA 20191

Pre-orders are due by March 28 at 5pm.
Online form for pre-orders is available.
See [email protected] for other details.


Town of Vienna Conservation and Sustainability Commission Native Plant Sale –  Saturday, May 3


Town of Vienna Conservation and Sustainability Commission Native Plant Sale
Vienna Community Center
120 Cherry St.
Vienna VA 22180
Vendors include Hill House Farm & Nursery


Walker Nature Center Spring Festival –  Saturday, May, 3

Walker Nature Center Spring Festival
11450 Glade Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Features native plant vendorNature by Design


Green Spring Gardens Spring Plant Sale – Saturday, May 17


Green Spring Gardens Spring Plant Sale 
4603 Greensprings Rd
Alexandria  VA 22312
Native plant vendors include Hill House Farm & Nursery and Seven Bends Nursery

Early Spring Blooms for The Garden

Photo: Plant NOVA Natives

Article by Plant NOVA Natives

Our woodlands and meadows are about to awaken and burst into a vibrant display of spring ephemerals, the transient native beauties we love to see, especially after the cold and snowy days of winter. They are among the first spring plants to emerge and are indeed ephemeral. They don’t last long, completing their life cycle in a matter of weeks to take advantage of the sunlight that filters through the canopy before the trees leaf out.

Virginia Bluebells are a well known and popular example of a spring ephemeral, celebrated during Bluebell festivals around the region in April. But the show starts earlier, with Spring Beauty sprinkling  the ground starting in late March, followed by a whole array of fascinating species including Trout Lilies and Dutchman’s Breeches. We can bring their splendor and interest to our homes by planting them in our landscapes and gardens. They are the native equivalent of crocuses and daffodils, a difference being that they are transplanted in pots rather than planted as bulbs.

The blooms of spring ephemerals are small and delicate, almost fairy-like in appearance, and yet they are an important source of early pollen for newly emerging bees. Our gardens can serve as a haven for these small but mighty plants that directly support the biodiversity of the region. Spring ephemerals will emerge before many of us begin to actively garden, so successful cultivation requires some advance thought and planning. They need sun in late winter and early spring but require shade later on as the sun intensifies and temperatures rise. They will be at home in most woody settings on your property, so plant them under trees, shrubs, and other large perennials where the soil is moist. They are particularly charming along paths and walkways where you can enjoy them every day as you pass by. You can read about them on the Plant NOVA Natives website.

Some growers advise that early fall is the best time to plant spring ephemerals, but the plants are harder to find for sale then since they would just look like empty pots. Planting them in the spring is just fine, but you may not see blooms in the first season. Most commercial nurseries these days sell the more popular species of spring ephemerals such as Virginia Bluebell, but a wider selection of species can be found in the native plant nurseries and at the local spring native plant sales.

Please remember this important rule when considering spring ephemerals for your property. You should always buy them from a grower and never take them from the wild. They are slow to propagate and will likely die if you disturb them. They may be small and short lived, but they are crucial to the native ecosystems and a testament to the renewal of spring. Let’s enjoy them in the wild where they have decided to plant themselves.

Before this year’s spring ephemerals come and go, it’s worth the effort to get out and see them sprinkled across wetlands and woodland floors in parks and other undisturbed preserves across Northern Virginia. They are a sight for sore eyes after the drab gray of winter. Open your plant identification apps, grab your native plant guidebook, or go on one of the spring ephemeral walks such as the ones hosted by the Virginia Native Plant Society. Watch your step and stay on the paths as you take in the wonderful display. Get to know them, fall under their spell, and you will no doubt be inspired to purchase and plant several of these magical beauties for your own garden viewing pleasure.

Building Resilient Soil for a Changing Climate with Dan Schwartz, April 10th

Photo: Dan Schwartz

Thursday, April 10, 2025
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm



Dan Schwartz is a Soil Scientist with the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District. He is a member of the soil survey update team and provides soil information to the public and agency staff. He also helps organize county-wide watershed clean-ups in the fall and spring.

City Nature Challenge – Washington DC Metropolitan Area, April 25th – May 4th

Image:, Washington DC metro area

Friday, April 25 – Monday April 28, 2025 take photos of wild plants and animals

Tuesday, April 29 – Sunday, May 4, 2025 identification of what was found

Do you like observing nature? Make your observations count! The City Nature Challenge is an adventure in metropolitan areas worldwide to discover and identify wildlife. You will be looking for signs of life in parks, neighborhoods, and backyards to see what plants and animals share our environment. Join the City Nature Challenge and become a citizen scientist!

Everyone in the Washington DC metropolitan area with access to a camera and the internet can observe wildlife for the Challenge. Anyone worldwide can help with identifying your finds!

Engineering on the Trail

Photo: The Potomac Canal at Great Falls Park, NPS by A. Toure

Article and photos by FMN Stephen Tzikas, except as noted

There are a lot of “roadside engineering” ruins found along roads and trails.  I like to visit them when I travel to nearby states. Typically these engineering ruins include iron furnaces, canals, and grist mills, but may include other interesting relics of industrial archaeology. We have such places in Fairfax County.

The ruins of Matildaville

At Great Falls Park, the geology of the area gave rise to engineering associations. River processes involve many engineering principles related to fluid mechanics. Rivers, too, offer opportunities for the application of geology for engineering works such as transport and power generation. Here in Great Falls Park, a complex of ruins are associated with a canal.  The ruins of Matildaville are located along one of the trails. It was a town associated with a canal built next to the Potomac River.  The ruins date from 1790, when the town was planned as an industrial community which would support canal operations. The town started as a staging and headquarters area for the construction of a canal. The town included a forge, a gristmill, a store, storage buildings, the superintendent’s house, a market, a sawmill, an ice house, worker barracks, boarding houses, a few smaller homes, and an inn.  Construction of the canal took 17 years, becoming operational in 1802. However, the Patowmack Company succumbed in 1828, turning over its assets and liabilities to the newly formed Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, whose canal ruins are also in the nearby area.  Alas the town did not survive the closing of the canal in 1830.  Eventually all canals were made obsolete by the railroad.

A Potomac Canal Lock at Great Falls Park

The stone ruins of an upstream portion of the Potomac Canal at Great Falls Park usually does not have water flowing in it, but on rare occasions it does.  Canal ruins that are usually seen, such at Great Falls Park, are of locks.  A boat going down stream entered a lock at its upper end.  At the lower end a gate kept the water in.  The upper gate was then closed.  Values in the lower gate were opened to lower the water level to the next lock downstream.  The lower gate was opened and the boat proceeded to the next lock.  For boats going upstream, the procedure was reversed.  If a location had a mountain lake such as the Morris Canal in New Jersey, these engineering marvels could even literally cross over a mountain!


The Clifton Institute Presents – Warbler Song Bootcamp, April 11th

Image: The Clifton Institute Warbler Song Bootcamp

Friday April 11th, 2025
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
This event is Free! But if you are able, there is a suggested donation of $10.00

Virtual Event
Registration is REQUIRED.

*This is a virtual event. Registration will close at noon on April 10 to make sure everyone gets the Zoom link. If you have not received a Zoom link by that time please email Eleanor at [email protected]. If you would like to register at that time, you can email Eleanor, but she may not see your email in time. *

Brush up on your warbler songs just before the migrants arrive in droves. You will listen to the songs of each of the migratory warblers that pass through our region in spring, while looking at spectrograms to help visual learners identify differences in similar songs. You will also briefly discuss habitats where breeding warblers can be found in our area and cover a handful of other migrants such as vireos and thrushes. This workshop will be of interest to birdwatchers of all skill levels. It will definitely be more fun than listening to a warbler song CD in your car! This event will take place over Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to participants shortly before the event.

Cost: Free! But if you are able, there is a suggested donation of $10. All proceeds from The Clifton Institute programs go directly to funding their education programs, restoration work, and research projects. Thank you for your support!

Age: All ages.


Alliance Afternoon: Matt Felperin’s Birdathon Warbler Bootcamp, March 23rd


Photo Matt Felperin -Yellow-throated Warbler

Sunday, March 23, 2025
2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Ste. 100RestonUnited States

This event is FREE and registration is not required, but those who register will receive an email reminder.

Join the quarterly live Audubon Afternoon at the National Wildlife Federation, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive in Reston.

There will be an informal gathering starting at 2:30 pm so you have an opportunity to reconnect with everyone. You are welcome to bring any food and drink to share with everyone during the informal portion of the program. At 3:00 pm, the Board President will present the revised bylaws for member approval. The formal program will begin at 3:15pm, when guest speaker Matt Felperin will give a Warbler Bootcamp in preparation for spring migration. He will also speak about Birdathon, the Audubon Spring fundraiser, and how to get your team set up. All are welcome to attend, participation in Birdathon is encouraged but not required.

After the talk, from 4:00 – 4:30 pm, stick around to speak with board members and staff about how you can get more involved! Volunteers are needed for a new bird strike monitoring program, spring outreach tabling, purple martin monitoring, invasive removal and more.

More about the speaker: Matt Felperin is a DC area local, raised in Takoma Park, MD. He is the Roving Naturalist with NOVA Parks, the regional park system of Northern Virginia. Matt has always been drawn to nature, and has been sharing his findings with anyone within earshot since his days as a small child looking for salamanders and crayfish in nearby Sligo Creek. He truly treasures the Chesapeake Bay and has enjoyed field work and naturalist programs in several types of habitat within the Chesapeake Watershed, and credits working under naturalist Greg Kearns for truly sparking his love of birds. As the NOVA Parks Roving Naturalist, Matt leads environmental education and recreation programs such as bird walks and kayak tours for the public. He views his wildlife photography work as one of the most useful tools to connect people with nature.

Open to the general public, all are welcome!

This event is FREE and registration is not required, but those who register will receive an email reminder.