Fundamentals of Avian Biology: The Study of Birds, Fall Session (6 classes)

Classroom Instruction:National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190
Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:00PM; Oct. 3, 10, 17; Dec. 5, 12, 19

Field Trips: October 12; December 14 (location TBD)

Dr. Chris Haney, Founder and President of Terra Mar Applied Science

Limit: 30 students. Don’t delay, this class will sell out quickly.
Fee: $250 members, $275 non-members

Register here.

Audubon Society of Northern Virginia is pleased to present this in-depth course about birds, designed for all skill levels. Experienced birders and novices will improve their understanding of birds and birding skills through classroom sessions and field trips.

Fundamentals of Avian Biology: Fall Session, will feature close scrutiny of the modern theory and field methods used to interpret the life of birds. Topics to be covered will encompass basic avian biology, life histories, evolution, behavior, ecology, geography, migration, and human socio-cultural relationships. Whenever appropriate, contrasting perspectives will be offered, including some controversial views, and distinctions made between different historical approaches of professional ornithology and birding. Classroom presentations will include PowerPoint slides, auditory or video supplements, and some participatory exercises.

Instructor: Dr. Chris Haney’s expertise straddles the fields of ornithology, including: marine science, climate change, wildlife biology, ecosystem management, and conservation policy. His projects and scholarly work have taken him to Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Bahamas, Lesser Antilles, several countries of southern Africa, and the former Soviet Union. He has authored over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and technical notes, and over 150 reports, abstracts, and testimony. He has delivered more than 150 seminar, conference, and workshop presentations. Dr. Haney’s knowledge and enthusiasm in the classroom is contagious!
This course is designed and presented at a university introductory level in two separate sections (Fall and Spring) with a total of 12, two-hour classroom sessions. The two sections are independent and field trips will focus on birds that are present during the season. The Spring Session will begin in late winter 2020, there is no prerequisite for this section. 

Native plant sale, Sep. 14th

Morven Park,17195 Southern Planter Lane, Leesburg
(Enter via Old Waterford Rd. and proceed to the main parking lot.)
Saturday, 14 September 2019
9am – 3pm

Native Plant Sale sponsored by Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy!

Three native plant nurseries will have a huge selection of fall blooming flowers, shrubs, trees, vines and ferns for sale. Along with native plants, they’ll have:
– Loudoun Audubon at Home program
– Loudoun Stream Monitoring program
– Unique yard art from Sunny Lane Forge
– Loudoun County Master Gardeners
– Virginia Master Naturalists
– Information about JK Black Oak Wildlife Sanctuary
– And much more!

For more information, visit:

For questions, contact Kim Strader at [email protected].

Two bioblitzes – citizen science in action, Sep. 13-14 & Sep. 29

Eastern Virginia Rivers National Wildlife Refuge Complex is doing a couple of BioBlitzes this September:

BioBlitz: Presquile NWR
What? A BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying in attempt to identify all living species within a unit of the refuge. During this BioBlitz, biologists and citizen scientists will have the opportunity to assist the refuge with a biological inventory of Presquile National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Surrounded by the James River, Presquile NWR contains freshwater marshes, a network of creeks, fields, and hardwood forests. While attending this event, surveyors are welcome to explore the extent of the refuge and will be given a data sheet to record all identifiable species. You can also opt to record your information in your iNaturalist app.


Surveyors have the option to choose between two survey periods. Space is limited as each survey period can have 14 surveyors. Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Please specify which survey period when you RSVP to [email protected].

Survey Period 1: An overnight survey for those who plan to inventory wildlife at night and/or in the early morning. Overnight surveyors will be able to stay in the bunkhouse. The pontoon boat departs for Presquile at September 13, at 5p and returns for pick up on September 14, 9a. (max. capacity 14 surveyors)

Survey Period 2: Pontoon Boat Departs on September 14 at 10a and returns at 3pm. (max. capacity 14 surveyors)

Where? Henrico, VA. Directions to the pontoon boat launch will be distributed closer to the event.

What to Bring? Any equipment you may need to complete your survey (ie, binoculars, field scopes, water quality measurement devices). Survey Period 1: We will send a separate email closer to the event. Survey Period 2: We will provide water and snacks but be sure to bring your own water bottle and lunch.

RSVP? Email Lauren at [email protected] with your specified Survey Period if you are interested or have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!

BioBlitz: Fones Cliffs
What? A BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying with the objective of identify all living species within a tract of the Refuge. During this BioBlitz, biologists and citizen scientists will have the opportunity to explore our newest Refuge tract while contributing valuable data to the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge. This Refuge tract contains various habitats. It borders the Rappahannock River and consists of fields, mixed forests and ravines. While attending this event, surveyors are welcome to collect data within the extent of the Refuge and will be given a data sheet to record identifiable species. Surveyors can also opt to record information in the iNaturalist app. Please note, surveyors are only to collect data within the Refuge boundary which will be represented on a map upon arrival.

When? Sunday, September 29, 9a-3p

Where? Carters Wharf Road, Warsaw, VA; Google Maps Link: Signs will guide you from Carters Wharf Road to the cliffs on the day of the event.

What to Bring? Any equipment you may need to complete your survey (ie, binoculars, field scopes, snake tongs, field guides). We will provide water and snacks, but be sure to bring your own water bottle and lunch.

RSVP? Please email Lauren at Lauren_cruz@fws.

Casey Trees needs volunteers, Sep. 21st and beyond

Casey Trees Farm
2498 Briggs Rd., Berryville, VA 22611
Saturday, 21 September 2019
9am – 2pm

Casey Trees Farm is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, collaboration and environmental stewardship.  They are in the process of being certified organic and are opening up their fifth field this summer. The field is almost ready for production and they want to bring in volunteers for the final step towards production, planting over 2000 trees into their grow bags! This will be a tiring day of service, but will be followed by a picnic lunch. (Hotdogs, baked beans, and chips).

Visit this link to learn more about the event: . The password VA is needed to access tickets.

In addition, Casey Trees is looking to start a corps of volunteers that are able to aid them in maintaining their tree farm in Berryville, VA year round with events and open volunteer hours, so if you are unable to join them for this event but are interested in learning more about the farm and helping out at a later date. let Chelsea MacCormack know and she will add you to the farm events newsletter.

Earth Sangha fall intern position open

If you’re interested in learning more about native plant propagation from seed collecting, propagation, and restoration plantings, working with a vibrant group of volunteers, and want to meet other folks working in plant conservation this is a great opportunity. No relevant experience necessary, but strong candidates should have a strong interest in environmental conservation, public service, and the outdoors. Candidates must be able to work outdoors, lift heavy objects, work with and supervise volunteers across all ages, and have transportation to and from the Wild Plant Nursery. Pay is $15/hour with an estimated 15/hr a week schedule with the potential for extra hours. If you’re interested in applying, please email a CV and cover letter to [email protected].

Photo: Fairfax County Park Authority

Hidden Oaks 50th Anniversary Celebration, Oct. 19th

Hidden Oaks Nature Center
7701 Royce St., Annandale VA
Saturday, 19 October 2019
11 am – 4 pm

Visit for a day of fun, music and special activities in honor of Hidden Oaks Nature Center’s 50th anniversary! Opened in 1969 as the first nature center in Fairfax County, Hidden Oaks now serves over 30,000 visitors a year. Enjoy a Reptiles Alive presentation, music from the School of Rock honoring Woodstock’s 50th year and other children’s music groups, go on a Hidden Treasures of Hidden Oaks hunt, see demonstrations of Monarch butterfly tagging and release and enjoy the new playground and chainsaw tree art. Fun for all ages!  Parking in Annandale Community Park except for special permit parking.  Free.

Have some natural knowledge and can assist with a learning station?  To volunteer, contact Suzanne Holland, [email protected]. Master naturalists, record your hours as E110: FCPA Nature Programs.

Earth Sangha plant grant application process simplified

Earth Sangha revamped their Plant Grant to make it easier to apply and simpler to administer. You can now apply entirely online (you need a Google account) using this webform.
You can even upload photos of the site for us to review. We will be accepting applicants for Fall Plant Grants on a first-come, first-served basis with rolling applications. If you think your restoration project could benefit from this program, please click the link above and read the introductory information from the link above and send us an application to review. For more information on our Plant Grant Program visit

Birds, Blossoms, and the Bull Moose: A Natural History Hike of T.R.’s Memorial in the Potomac, Sep. 15th

Theodore Roosevelt Island
Sunday, 15 September 2019
1-3 pm
Wear shoes that can handle mud
Free but registration required

Trek around Theodore Roosevelt Island, an 88-acre living memorial to the first president to make conservation a centerpiece of his presidency. Meet our 26th president — or rather a 17-ft. bronze statue of him — the rich Manhattanite who became known as the protector of more than 230 million acres of public land. Saunter around the island to sample its natural and not-so-natural history.  See the plants and critters that thrive on this 88-acre island in the Potomac River.

FMN quarterly chapter meeting Sept. 16th, Fairfax County recycling program

Hidden Oaks Nature Center
7701 Royce St., Annadale VA
Monday, 16 September 2019
7:30 – 9 pm

Our chapter will have a brief meeting, enjoy some food and drink, and learn from a presentation on recycling in Fairfax County by Erica Carter, Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program, Recycling Coordinator.

There’s been a lot of talk about recycling these days – what can we recycle? Where does it go? Is China still buying? More importantly, what can you do to minimize the amount of waste that you and your family create? We’ll take a quick look at the current state of waste management in Fairfax County and answer everyone’s questions about what they can and cannot recycle.

Fairfax Master Naturalists earn one hour of continuing education credit for this event.

Stiltgrass overwhelms natives! Help remove it Sep. 7th

Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts
1551 Trap Rd., Vienna VA
Saturday, 7 September 2019
9 am – Noon

The meadow garden at the  Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts is in the one-acre circle (or “Dimple”) in front of the ticket windows. It is a vibrant pollinator habitat and nectar source but will not continue to thrive if the stiltgrass remains. Japanese stiltgrass is an aggressive invasive species that pushes out beneficial native plants. Late summer is the perfect time to pull it, right right before it flowers and re-seeds.

No experience necessary! Training on how to ID and remove stiltgrass will be provided at the event. Please bring water, garden gloves, insect repellent, and sun protection. Please RSVP here  

This volunteer event is organized by the Friends of Wolf Trap and Fairfax Master Naturalists. FMNs may record service hours to S263: Wolf Trap Stewardship Projects.