
2019 Annual Report from Fairfax Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalists

Article by Fairfax Master Naturalist President Joe Gorney

We recently submitted our annual report to the State office in Charlottesville. During 2019, we reported a total of 14,862 hours of Education/Outreach, Citizen Science, Stewardship, and Chapter Administration! That’s an increase of more than 2,000 hours from the previous year. Activities included both long-standing and new projects, including stream monitoring, kayak tours, animal care, native landscaping, invasives removal, school programs, data collection, and bluebird and purple martin houses. In addition to reaching many people (more than 1,200), we also helped many partner organizations, such as the Fairfax County Park Authority, NOVA Parks, Earth Sangha, the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, and many more, to achieve their missions. It’s amazing what a relatively small group of dedicated volunteers can do in a county of over 1.1 million.
Our chapter succeeds based on the efforts of many people, each contributing in their own way to the betterment of our communities. 2020 is filled with opportunities to increase our knowledge and to enhance those communities. Thank you for making a difference.

View the report in its entirety here.