
Casey Trees needs volunteers, Sep. 21st and beyond

Casey Trees Farm
2498 Briggs Rd., Berryville, VA 22611
Saturday, 21 September 2019
9am – 2pm

Casey Trees Farm is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, collaboration and environmental stewardship.  They are in the process of being certified organic and are opening up their fifth field this summer. The field is almost ready for production and they want to bring in volunteers for the final step towards production, planting over 2000 trees into their grow bags! This will be a tiring day of service, but will be followed by a picnic lunch. (Hotdogs, baked beans, and chips).

Visit this link to learn more about the event: . The password VA is needed to access tickets.

In addition, Casey Trees is looking to start a corps of volunteers that are able to aid them in maintaining their tree farm in Berryville, VA year round with events and open volunteer hours, so if you are unable to join them for this event but are interested in learning more about the farm and helping out at a later date. let Chelsea MacCormack know and she will add you to the farm events newsletter.