
Keep Virginia Beautiful 30 in 30 Green Grants, Apr. 30 deadline

Keep Virginia Beautiful (KVB) 30 in 30 Green Grants initiative is designed to empower groups all across Virginia to make an environmental impact in their own communities. Since 2011, KVB has provided $203,000 for 260 different projects throughout the state. Keep Virginia Beautiful awards grants of $500-$1,000 for projects in each of these four categories: Community Beautification and Greening, Litter Prevention, Recycling, and Cigarette Litter Prevention. The application process is underway and you are invited to apply, but hurry! The deadline is April 30.

KVB receives so many great applications and they wish they could fund them all! What can you do to help your grant application get noticed by the judges?

* Enter early. It’s easy to spot an application that was thrown together at the last minute!
* Think of a snappy title! It makes your application more memorable, and draws in the reader.
* Good things come in small packages. Programs and projects with a lot of bang-for-the-low-budget-buck are very impressive.
* Choose your category wisely. There are fewer grant applications sent for Cigarette Litter and Litter prevention, which means your odds are better of being chosen.
* Send an ugly picture. Show the judges what kind of impact you have planned by including a photograph that helps to tell your story.

Click here to apply for your 2019 30 in 30 Green Grant!