
Spring 2025 Native Plant Sales

Photo: Courtesy of Plant NOVA Natives

Why Native Plants?

  1. Naturally beautiful! Native plants will add beauty to your garden. Not convinced?

  2. Made for here! Native plants are adapted to local conditions. Planted in the right place, native plants need less water and other care than our non-native lawns. 

  3. Good for the Earth! Unlike non-native plants such as turfgrass, native plants support butterflies, birds and pollinators AND healthy water!

If you are looking for particular plants, in most cases you can contact the vendors ahead of time to ask them to bring them for you.

Friends of Riverbend Park – Saturday, April 5


Friends of Riverbend Park Bluebell Sale
Riverbend Park
8700 Potomac Hills Street
Great Falls, VA 22066
Bluebells will be sold on the deck of the Visitor Center in conjunction with the Bluebell festival

 – and –

 Saturday, April 12

Friends of Riverbend Park – Pickup for Native Plant Sale
Riverbend Park Educational Pavilion
8700 Potomac Hills Street|Great Falls, VA 22066
For presale of native plant orders and details, go to Friends of Riverbend Park


Walker Nature Center Native Plant Sale – Saturday, April 12

Saturday, April 12
9:30am-1:00pm pickup

Walker Nature Center Native Plant Sale
11450 Glade Drive
Reston, VA 20191

Pre-orders are due by March 28 at 5pm.
Online form for pre-orders is available.
See [email protected] for other details.


Town of Vienna Conservation and Sustainability Commission Native Plant Sale –  Saturday, May 3


Town of Vienna Conservation and Sustainability Commission Native Plant Sale
Vienna Community Center
120 Cherry St.
Vienna VA 22180
Vendors include Hill House Farm & Nursery


Walker Nature Center Spring Festival –  Saturday, May, 3

Walker Nature Center Spring Festival
11450 Glade Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Features native plant vendorNature by Design


Green Spring Gardens Spring Plant Sale – Saturday, May 17


Green Spring Gardens Spring Plant Sale 
4603 Greensprings Rd
Alexandria  VA 22312
Native plant vendors include Hill House Farm & Nursery and Seven Bends Nursery

Autumn 2024 Native Plant Sales

Photo: Courtesy of Plant NOVA Natives

Arlington Native Plants & Edibles;

September: Saturdays 11 :00 AM-3:00 PM; Sundays 11:00 AM-2:00 PM
925 N. Madison St., Arlington
Email [email protected] to request a specific plant.

Green Spring Gardens

First Wednesdays, April through October, 10:00 AM- 1:00 PM 
Virginia Native Plant Societysells natives at their plot behind the visitor’s center at Green Spring Gardens. Check here for details.

VNPS Potowmack Chapter Monthly Native Plant Sale

Wednesday, September 4, and October 2: 10:00 AM–1:00 PM

VNPS Potowmack Chapter plant sales are held on the first Wednesday of the month, April through October, at the propagation beds across the driveway behind the Horticulture Center at Green Spring Gardens, 4603 Green Spring Road, Alexandria, VA 22312.

​The Clifton Institute

Saturday, September 21: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

The Clifton Institute
6712 Blantyre Road, Warrenton, VA
The Clifton Insitute
Fall Native Plant Sale

Master Gardeners of Prince William Spring Sale

Saturday, Sept 7: 9:00 AM – noon

St. Benedict Monastery
9535 Linton Hall Rd, Bristow, VA

Cash or check only
includes both native and non-native plants.

Loudoun Native Plant Sale

Saturday, September 7: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Morven Park
17195 Southern Planter Ln, Leesburg, VA 

11:00 am presentation: Native Plants for Beginners
This popular presentation will include plant suggestions for a variety of settings. We’ll have plants on hand to take a look at, along with photos of mature plants in native garden settings. Then you can look around at what the nurseries have available.

Plants by Watermark Woods, Hill House Native NurseryNature by DesignSeven Bends Nursery

Town of Vienna Fall Native Plant Sale

Saturday, September 14: 8:00 AM – Noon

Town of Vienna Community Center
120 Cherry St. SE, Vienna

Plants by Hill House Native Nursery

Northern Alexandria Native Plant Sale

Saturday, September 28: 9:00 AM–2:00 PM
The Church of St. Clement, 1701 N. Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22302

Fall Festival and Native Plant Sale

Saturday, October 5: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Christ Church, 7600 Ox Rd, Fairfax Station 


Earth Sangha’s Fall Open House & Plant Sale on October 6th

Sunday, October 6th, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the
Wild Plant Nursery

The Wild Plant Nursery is located at 6100 Cloud Dr. Springfield, VA 22150 (The Cloud Dr. entrance of Grove Point Park.
Behind the garden plots.)

Earth Sangha’s Spring Open House and Native Plant Sale, May 5th

Image: Courtesy of Earth Sangha

Sunday, May 5th, 2024
9:00AM – 1:00PM

Earth Sangha Wild Plant Nursery
6100 Cloud Dr.
Springfield, VA 22150


About the Wild Plant Nursery

The Wild Plant Nursery is a unique resource for ecological restoration in the greater Washington, DC, area. Established in 2001 in Springfield, Virginia, under an agreement with the Fairfax County Park Authority, the nursery is the region’s most comprehensive source of local, wild native-plant material (“local ecotypes”). The use of local ecotypes is a standard best practice in ecological restoration because that helps to safeguard genetic diversity and local adaptation in the species planted. The nursery is currently working with about 340 species, some uncommon or rare in the wild in this region. For many of these species, their nursery is the DC area’s only source of production — local ecotype or otherwise. All plants are grown from seed (or spores) that they themselves collect, from over 50 local natural areas. (They collect only with permission.) The nursery serves their own planting programs, as well as those of area governments, schools, businesses, and other conservation nonprofits. They rely on volunteers to run the nursery! To join them, check the Volunteer page for our Field SchedulePlease note that their nursery and office addresses are different. The Wild Plant Nursery is located at 6100 Cloud Dr. in Grove Point Park (formerly known as Franconia Park), Springfield. Our office is located in Annandale but is not open for plant sales.

Earth Sangha’s Wild Plant Nursery Species List




Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Native Plant Sale, April 22nd

Photo: Courtesy of the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy

Saturday, April 22, 2023
9:00am – 3:00pm

Main Visitor Parking Lot at Morven Park
17195 Southern Planter Ln
Leesburg, VA 20176 

It’s (always) time to go native!

Native plants add beauty and interest to your garden all year long and provide important habitat for wildlife. Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s Native Plant Sale is the place to buy spring-blooming flowers, vines, trees, shrubs and ferns from four local native plant nurseries. The sale will be staffed by volunteers knowledgeable about native plants who can advise you on selecting natives for your garden.

In addition to selling plants, the Sale provides an opportunity to learn about some of Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s programs. Our Wild Shop will be there with books, T shirts, mugs and other merchandise for sale. Community partners—including the Banshee Reeks Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalists and Loudoun County Master Gardeners—will have booths at the sale, as well. We’ll also have TLC, a fertilizer and deer deterrent, to give away.

Find more information about the LWC Native Plant Sate at: