Entries by Jerry Nissley

Introducing the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR)

Jerry Nissley Many of you know that effective 1 July 2020, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) changed its name to the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) to encompass the greater expanse of their responsibilities. After reading the notice, I poked around their web site and found a link to Virginia Wildlife and […]

Made a Difference to That One

By Beverley Rivera When the gyms closed because of Coronavirus, I started pacing around my local trail instead. The trail angered me because of the prevalence of invasive plants. There are acres of lesser celandine, which were all in glorious bloom at the time, groves of Chinese wisteria, areas where all you can see is […]

Porch Sitting

By Jerry Nissley Porch sitting – A function exclusively characterized by occupying space on a porch in a seat, hence the name. The porch can be a deck, patio, or similar structure but must include a chair or a bench so one can sit. What one does while porch sitting is up to the individual. […]

Natives Knoll Project

By Sherry McDonald Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? In this case a ‘plan and a planting’. In September 2019 the FMN Communications team gave a shout out to FMN membership that South Run Recreational Center wished to improve the health and heartiness of a barren, unattractive knoll on the center’s grounds. […]

Pinatas That Educate? Sweet!

By Mike Walker with Jerry Nissley Mike Walker (Certified Master Naturalist) recently submitted the following creative success story detailing one constructive way to present conservation concepts AND have a great, fun time with your kids. Mike related that he often looks for ways to drive home environmental messages to diverse groups of adults and children. […]

Think Beyond What We See

Jerry Nissley I recently viewed a beautifully composed, thought-provoking New York Times video, entitled, “The Church Forests of Ethiopia”, by Jeremy Seifert. Even though the video is about Ethiopia, the concepts presented in it are easily extrapolated and applied to the need for maintaining the biodiversity of our local forests. It illustrates how abiotic factors […]

Face the Wolf

Jerry Nissley “I scarcely know where to begin…”: The opening line in Jack London’s, Sea-Wolf. This 1904 story develops around a self-indulged, self-professed gentleman of the times, Humphrey van Weyden, who decides to visit a relative across the bay. The fateful day he boards the ferry from Sausalito to San Francisco, the bay is shrouded […]