Butterfly and Dragonfly Survey, April – October

Photo: Courtesy of Plant NOVA Natives, Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Every Friday, April-October, 2022

Various locations:
Meadowood Recreation Area10406 Gunston Road
Lorton, VA, 22079

Occoquan Bay NWR
13950 Dawson Beach Road
Woodbridge, VA, 22191

Metz Wetlands15875 Neabsco Road
Woodbridge, VA, 22191

Occoquan Regional Park9751 Ox Road
Lorton, VA, 22079

Registration is required, to learn more and to register, click here.

Butterfly and dragonfly surveys are carried out in temperate months (April-October), normally on Friday mornings, at one of four sites around Occoquan Bay, all within the 15-mile diameter circle established for the annual North American Butterfly Association‘s Annual Count.

Bat Night, August 13th

Photo by Rick Reynolds on dwr.virginia.gov
Saturday, August 13, 2022

Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship, Purcellville
11661 Harpers Ferry Road
Purcellville, VA 20132 United States 
+ Google Map

Registration required. Learn more and register here.

Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy is excited to present Bat Night led by The Bat Lady, Dr. Susanne Sterbing, world-renowned bat expert and research professor at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Sterbing will present a fascinating audio-visual presentation followed by a question-and-answer period. You don’t want to miss Dr. Sterbing’s description of the strange feeding rituals of vampire bats! The lecture will be followed by a live bat viewing (hopefully) down at the pond. Family friendly; wear good walking shoes and bring flashlights and bug repellant.

A Planet Full of Insects and Spiders: Friends and Foes, August 6th

Photo: FMN Kate Luisa
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Izaak Walton League Chapter House, Leesburg
19237 Mountain Spring Lane
Leesburg, VA 20175 
+ Google Map

For more information and to register, click here.

Join Dr. Adamski, PhD, member of the Department of Entomology for the National Museum of Natural History, for his presentation on these most abundant of all animals. Learn why they are so successful in all types of environments. From camouflage, warning coloration, and mimicry to sound production, predation, cannibalism, and metamorphosis; all will be explained in family-friendly language.

Birding in the Watershed Webinar, July 28th

Photo: FMN Ron Grimes
Thursday, July 28, 2022
For more information and to register, click here.

This webinar is part of the Ask the Alliance series hosted by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Curious what birds are flying around your local landscapes? Emily Broich, Pennsylvania Green Projects Coordinator for the Alliance, will share how you can spot and identify birds in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Bees Webinar, August 4th

Photo courtesy of the Fairfax County Park Authority

Thursday, August 4, 2022
12:00 pm

For more information and to register, click here.

This webinar is part of the Ask the Alliance series hosted by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Bees are all the buzz. Join Savannah Lightcap, Green Infrastructure Projects Assistant for the Alliance, as she shares how you can identify bees, plant bee habitats, and rehome unwanted bees. Then, Brittany Smith, Pennsylvania Agriculture Projects Manager, will share her very own bee colony.

Stream Monitoring: Citizen Science & Training Opportunities

Photo by J. Quinn

Below is a list of Stream Monitoring Citizen Science, Workshops, and other monitoring opportunities in the area for July and August.


 *NVSWCD Workshop 

Pohick Creek Stream Monitoring Workshop

When: Sunday, July 17, 10:00am-12:30pm

Where: Hidden Pond Nature Center, Springfield

This is the workshop site of a recently-retired stream monitor and is currently up for adoption. Come join us at this beautiful county park! Space is limited, please register for the workshop here.


*NVSWCD Workshop 

Holmes Run Stream Monitoring Workshop

When: Saturday, July 23, 9:00-11:30am

Where: Holmes Run Stream Valley Park, Falls Church

This workshop site is an easily-accessible location just downstream of Lake Barcroft. Come explore this beautiful spot in the Cameron Run watershed! Space is limited, please register for the workshop here.


*NVSWCD Workshop 

Difficult Run Stream Monitoring Workshop

When: Sunday, August 21, 10:00am-12:30pm

Where: Difficult Run Stream Valley Park, Great Falls

This quiet site is known for numerous macros and a relatively high stream score. In spring we found a high number of midges – will we find the same this visit? Space is limited, please register for the workshop here.


*NVSWCD Workshop 

Horsepen Run Stream Monitoring Workshop

When: Saturday, August 27, 9:00-11:30am

Where: Horsepen Run Stream Valley Park, Herndon

This stream site parallels the park trail and is a favorite with local runners, bikers, and dog walkers! This site scored higher in the spring monitoring than it had in past years – join us to see if this positive trend continues! Space is limited, please register for the workshop here.

*Northern Virginia Water and Soil Conservation District

Creek Critters Count and Catch Program

When: Sunday, August 28, 1:00pm

Where: Chapman DeMary Trail, Purcellville

Join the Purcellville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Purcellville Tree and Environment Sustainability Committee and Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy to get up close and personal with the creek critters living in the South Fork of the Catoctin Creek at the Chapman DeMary Trail. Loudoun Wildlife Stream Team members will discuss the natural history of these critters, help participants learn how to identify them, and explain how they can help us determine the health of a stream. Registration required through Purcellville Parks and Recreation website. Learn more here.


More Training and Stream Monitoring Opportunities


The Northern Virginia Water and Soil Conservation District (NVSWCD) is very excited to contribute their stream data to state and national datasets. If you’d like to see data from all the NVSWCD regional stream monitoring team’s active sites, you can find our organization on the Clean Water Hub. Keep in touch with NVSWCD on our Facebook and Instagram.


Latino Conservation Week Celebrates Community and Nature, July 16th – 24th

Image: Courtesy of the Fairfax County Park Authority

Latino Conservation Week is from July 16-24, 2022. Fairfax County will be celebrating the Latino community’s love of nature. Modeled after the Hispanic Access Foundation’s Latino Conservation Week, the Fairfax County Park Authority together with Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik, Defensores de la Cuenca, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District, and other community partners will provide free bilingual (English/Spanish) conservation-themed programs, nature activities and recreational opportunities at parks around the county throughout the week.

To kick off the week, there will be activities at three parks on July 16, 2022, including Hidden Oaks Nature Center, Frying Pan Farm Park and Eakin Park. There will be a capstone event at Justice Park on July 24, 2022. Other Fairfax County Park Authority parks and partners will also offer programs that embrace Latino Conservation Week themes, while working with the Latino community.

Highlights include:

To find additional information about the Latino Conservation Week events, please visit the Latino Conservation week webpage.

Click here for event flyer in Spanish. 

Click here for event flyer in English.

Hope for Humpbacks, webinar July 19th

Photo:  Pacific Whale Foundation

Tuesday, July 19, 2022
7 pm
Register here.

Biologist Stephanie Stack from the Pacific Whale Foundation will share tales from her 10 years of research on humpback whales. Humpback whales are a conservation success story, having largely recovered from the threat of commercial whaling, but they still need our help. Stephanie will discuss the most urgent threats to whales today, why whales are critical for a healthy ocean, and the actions needed to protect these ocean giants.

This is a Smithsonian Environmental Research Center monthly science talk from the Virtual Earth Optimism lecture series.

Fort Ward’s Maclura pomifera Tree

Feature photo: The arranged fruits of the Osage Orange tree into a happy face caught my attention and consequently initiated my interest to write this article.

Article and photos by FMN Stephen Tzikas

Osage Orange has a tough “stomp-proof” fruit that will not be crushed with foot pressure. It is grapefruit sized, about 4 inches in diameter, with an outer surface that looks like “brains.”

In December 2021, while on a trail review for the Birdability website (https://www.birdability.org/), I came across a most unusual tree. I had traveled throughout the US and the World, and walked many trails in Fairfax County, but never have I seen this type of tree. It’s commonly called an Osage Orange tree, but also goes by many other names, including its scientific name Maclura pomifera. As I approached it, I saw grapefruit sized yellow fruits on the ground beneath it, with a pile of them arrange in a happy face configuration, as if beckoning me toward them. I looked at those fruits in greater detail, and I thought to myself that the exotic fruit looked like brains, because of the convoluted nature of it.

The bark of the tree has scaly ridges with irregular furrows.

I asked a passer-by if he knew what kind of tree it was. He told me it was a “Monkey Tree,” so that became the basis of my internet search. Indeed, the fruits are also known as “Monkey balls” and “Monkey brains.” The Osage Orange tree is originally native to parts of Texas and Oklahoma. Today the tree has spread to much of the United States and Canada. Male and female trees have different flowers. Only the female tree bears fruit, but it is not edible. The early settlers of America had many uses for this tree and a lot of information on the tree and it uses can be found on the internet. The bark pattern on the tree has a characteristic deeply furrowed, scaly nature. Its twigs have thorns.

Fort Ward is a pleasant place to have a walk, with many ADA amenities. It also has a small museum on its grounds.

The location of the Osage Orange tree is just beyond the historic gate. Notice the Corp of Engineer’s insignia logo (castle) on top of the gate.




“How do Birds get their Colors?” webinar with Ivan Phillipsen, July 14th

Photo: Andrean Emerald Humminbirds, Ly Dang/Audubon Photography Awards

Thursday, July 14, 2022
7 pm
ASNV members $15, nonmembers $25
Register here.

One of the things most loved about birds is their wild array of plumage colors and patterns. Where does all that color come from? In this presentation, you’ll learn how pigments and microscopic structures in feathers create the kaleidoscope of beauty we find in the avian world. Topics covered include iridescence, molting and feather wear, the evolution of feather color, and the functions of feather colors.  Audubon Society of Northern Virginia presents.

Ivan Phillipsen is a professional naturalist guide with a background in scientific research. Amphibians and reptiles were his first obsession as a kid. He eventually earned a PhD in Zoology, working in the field of conservation genetics. Ivan’s love of nature has expanded to include plants, fungi, and all animals, including birds. Birds have become his greatest passion. He’s an avid birder, hosts The Science of Birds podcast, and co-owns a birding ecotour company.