FMN photo contest winners announced
The second annual Fairfax Master Naturalist photo contest is complete. With thirty-five entries and six entrants, the judges were overwhelmed with superb choices. Our judges were only allowed to chose one photo for each category to forward to the statewide Virginia Master Naturalist contest. For the statewide competition, the entries will be judged by a qualified group of judges who will select First place, Second place, and Third place for all five categories. Honorable Mention(s) will be awarded as the judges see fit. All entered pictures will be exhibited via a PowerPoint at the Fredericksburg Expo Center for the duration of the 2019 VMN Statewide Conference and Training.
Congratulations and best of luck to our Fairfax Master Naturalist contest winners:

Virginia native wildlife. Photo by Ana Ka’ahanui.

Virginia native plant and fungi world. Photo (c) by Barbara J. Saffir.

Virginia native landscapes. Photo by Fred Siskind.

Virginia native macro and night photography. Photo (c) by Barbara J. Saffir.

Virginia master naturalists in action. Photo (c) by Barbara J. Saffir.