Warbler Song Bootcamp: Hybrid webinar, April 15th

Friday, April 15, 2022
6 – 7 pm
Register here for either in person or online.

Brush up on your warbler songs just before the migrants arrive in droves. Sponsored by The Clifton Institute, they will listen to the songs of each of the migratory warblers that pass through our region in spring, while looking at spectrograms to help visual learners identify differences in similar songs. They will also briefly discuss habitats where breeding warblers can be found in our area and cover a handful of other migrants such as vireos and thrushes.

This workshop will be of interest to birdwatchers of all skill levels. It will definitely be more fun than listening to a warbler song CD in your car! This program will be a hybrid in-person / virtual event. They think it’s more fun to get together in-person and learn from each others’ birdwatching experience, but also want to make this class accessible to people who don’t live within driving distance of the Clifton Institute. Please indicate which way you plan to attend below by RSVP’ing. If you RSVP to the “Virtual (Online) Only”, you will be sent a Zoom link a few days prior to the event.